Episode 79 NADT- Is it Fawn Time Again Already?

1 year ago

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On Episode 79 of North American Deer Talk, The Deer Wizard has some quick announcements;

Cervid Solutions- "Open Ordering" starts May 1 and runs through May 31st. Get your deposits placed and save $90 per bottle.

Life Cycles- A mission control dashboard for tons of educational resources. This comes as part of the Cervid Solutions membership!

Promo Codes for CWDbreeding.com website for PADFA and NADEFA members. 50% discounts have been secured for members!

Fawn Prep
Pasture Clean-up
Grass strips
Does signs of fawning and more...

Show Sponsor-

C&E Wildlife products- http://www.cewildlife.com/

Cervid Solutions- http://www.cervidsolutions.com/

CWDbreeding.com https://www.cwdbreeding.com/

#deerfarm #deerfarming #whitetail #deer #antlers #pdfa #cwd #elk #elkfarm
#nadr #livestockdna #deerDNA

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