MR. NON-PC - There's An Anti-White, Anti-Straight, Anti-Christian Agenda Afoot

1 year ago

Unless you've been living under a rock for the past 5 or so years (especially here in the fallen and satanic U.S.A) then you've definitely noticed that there is an Anti-White, Anti-Straight and Anti-Christian Agenda going down!

And it is being pushed by:

-The Satanic U.S Government
-The Helter/Skelter Race-Baiting White Hating Media

And sadly it's embraced by both the Cuckservatives and LibTurds alike on many different levels, and the double standards are completely out of control!!

And you may try to be a naysayer but the satanic U.S Government and the Evil Media work in tandem to accelerate the destruction and hatred.

The main thing is they wanna put you into a box, and categorize you, and get you to hate each other....kinda like what they did to Richard Jewell years back!

Don't allow them to put you into their categories or their boxes.....the best stance to take is THE OPPOSITE of "Right" or "Left" don't be a part of THE UNIPARTY ECHO CHAMBER!!

They (The Satanic U.S Government/ Evil Media) want you to be upset...they want you to overreact...don't take their bait!!!!

The solution is simple honestly.....move out of the cities and suburbs (if you haven't already) and get a different job (maybe less pay...but more peace of mind) and live away from this madness.

I would even go as far to say as consider moving out of this country long term....this country is circling the toilet bowl, sadly....there is no solving the bulk of these problems. away from this country, far far away might be the best bet long term, because the fallen U.S has jumped the shark, and especially if you're white, christian and straight....this isn't the place for you!

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