CB Radios Are EVERYWHERE At Orlando Hamcation 2020!!!

5 years ago

I spend more time shopping outside in the swapmeet section then I do inside at the commercial vendor booths. I want everybody to understand this scenario... There are people that know nothing about ham radio, but they have an interest in CB radio (11 meters). Encourage them to come here, teach them something....Encourage them to continue in CB radio and when they walk through this 3 day convention they will have a very CLEAR perspective of what ham radio is all about. The gateway drug into this hobby. There is enough material on YouTube about all the new products and vendors.. Let's drive some interest into the tailgate section to get someone started.
Interested in obtaining your ham radio license? The best way to get started is at https://hamradioprep.com/
Use the code eric20 at checkout to save 20%. You will pass the exam on your first try or your money back.

#cbradio #hamradio #hamradioconcepts

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