Scary Mask from 'Tightrope' (1984)

1 year ago

This mask scared the living crap out of my 7-year-old ass when I would see the preview on HBO back in 1985. This gave me nightmares for years and I didn't really remember what movie it was from till today. I remembered Clint Eastwood was in it and there was a carnival or celebration. At first glance, I thought it was 'Sudden Impact." After watching the movie I realized it wasn't it.

I had been thinking for months about what I saw from horror films that actually scared me to my core as a young child. I remembered most of everything but this.

After thinking hard on this subject for months I finally remembered it after going through all the movie trailers from Clint Eastwood films starting from 1982. After only a few movies I found it right away from Tightrope 1984. Stars and co-directed by Clint Eastwood...

The Killer would wear masks but this specific mask was at an outdoor exterior scene. The mask is only in the scene for a short second but in both the trailer and the HBO teaser the mask was prominently shown and that was the part that always freaked me out as a kid. So here is a better look at the face that terrified me more than any creepy neighbor, creature feature or alien of the 80s... #horror #slasher #horrormovies #slashermovies #slasherfilm #horrorjunkie #horrormovie #80shorror #tightrope #clinteastwood #killer

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