Arrows & Arks - Introduction

1 year ago

The single greatest reason why we are losing our young people today is that the home is no longer the place where faith is transferred. You cannot outsource this vital component in the rearing of your children. Tony Evans

The title, Arrows and Arks, addresses the two goals of the Christian parent – to launch our children to be useful instruments in the hand of God (arrows) and to preserve them from drowning in our fallen culture (arks). The program is designed to put into the hands of parents the tools to fulfill their God-given responsibility – to disciple their children. Studies have shown that Christian parents struggle greatly with this task for two reasons: They feel inadequate and they believe they do not have the time. Arrows and Arks takes on both challenges and provides a pathway for parents to give to their children that which is most necessary to launch and preserve them in the faith.

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