"No Fake Catholics Allowed!"-Fifth Sunday of Easter- Fr. Stanislaus Of Guadalupe, FMCD 05/14/23

1 year ago

(Due to some technical difficulties and our recent move, today's homily begins in progress...) This week, St. James reminds us through his Epistle of our call to AUTHENTICITY--you cannot fake your FAITH! We all must be DOERS of the Word not simply hearers. We are not like the Protestants who claim that they are saved by faith alone...NO! We must be DOERS with our faith and St. James teaches us we can do this by leading authentic Christian lives through assisting the poor and the needy while resisting all worldliness. In today's Holy Gospel, Our Lord begins preparing His Apostles for His upcoming Ascension by reminding them that now because of the love and devotion they have shown to Him and His ministry by recognizing Him as truly God and truly Man, they each must now be aware of the power in prayer they now have...because they have shown true faith in Him. We, too, are called to this same authentic faith by rejecting all the temptations the world has to offer and focusing on the promise of Eternal Life wrought through the Paschal Mystery we continue to celebrate this Paschaltide. Donations for our Mission in the Ecclesiastical Province of Detroit, especially for our continuing transition to another "temporary" space, are always appreciated and can be done using this PayPal link https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=37TJZU4N9PQ3Q We are a registered non-profit and tax-exempt 501 (c) (3) God bless you and God love you!

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