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Dr. 'Lee Merritt' "Genetic 'MRNA' Insertions! Can't Be Done Accurately" Dr. 'Sam Sigoloff'
Dr. 'Lee Merritt' "Genetic 'MRNA' Insertions! Can't Be Done Accurately" Dr. 'Sam Sigoloff'
Dr. Lee Merritt, MRNA, gene editing, gene therapy,
May. 15, 2023. Medical & Geopolitical News. AndreCorbeil.
Dr. 'Sam Sigoloff' & Dr. 'Lee Merritt' "There are lots of concerns about mRNA and gene editing" But are those fears founded in science? for COVID illness and long haulers syndrome treatment protocols. If you have a vaccine injury (from any vaccine or have any injury that you think may have any relation to any vaccine) please report in their civilian equivalent to VAERS.
Instagram: @afterhourswithdrsigoloff
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May. 15th, 2023. Medical News. Andre Corbeil.
Episode 83. Dr. Lee Merritt, You cant really do that. Dr Lee Merritt: When it comes to precise genetic insertion, we really can't do that.
Nurse Kelly: Welcome to after hours with Dr. Sigoloff, where he can share ideas and thoughts with you. He gets to the heart of the issue so that you can find the truth. The views and opinions expressed are his and do not represent the US Army, d o d, nor the US government. Dr. Sigoloff was either off duty or on approved leave, and Dr. Sigoloff was not in uniform at the time of recording now to Dr. SIgoloff.
Dr Sam Sigoloff: Now we have another special guest back, a personal friend and a friend to the show. Dr. Lee Merritt. Thank you so much for coming back.
Dr Lee Merritt: Hey, thanks. Thanks for having me. I, I, I was looking around today for my pandemic reprimand patch. I had it, I wore it on a show the other day. It just stuck to my, my, my turtleneck.
Dr Lee Merritt: So I love it. Thanks. Dr Sam Sigoloff: Well, thank you for representing now. I wanted to have you on today cuz you and I recently had a conversation about mRNA and do we have that technology, does that exist? Is it in the shots? And you have a lot of good information to share about that. Dr Lee Merritt: Well, yeah, I, I'll tell you what got me down this road, and, and by the way, I'm one of the crazy people that doesn't think they're viruses, but that I can just, that I can absolutely show you why the, the science is, is garbage about this. Dr Lee Merritt: Some of this, the, what I'm, what I'm telling you now is really based on it's, it's more, it's less like a scientific research project and more like Angela Lansbury murder. She wrote, you know, going down the, the means motive and opportunity, what's going on here. Because when you do that, you realize if we were, if this were a murder, mystery, murder investigation, and we were doing it seriously, you just wouldn't accept a lot of the stuff that this happened. Dr Lee Merritt: As you, you'd know it was off. Okay? You wouldn't wait for 30 year double blind studies. It isn't that kind of a, a scientific investigation. So the first thing that happened along that road, so I'm gonna kind of go in the time course here. The first thing that I noticed was that I was, I was What was I looking at? Dr Lee Merritt: I was looking at something, oh, I, cuz I had published a CK article, I a bunch, several CK articles and one of the things I brought up was crispr, the CRISPR technology and the, you know, the stuff about the X-files and the predictive programming and the danger of this stuff. And it really worried me. But when I got farther into it, I re, somebody had sent me a, a kind of a, it was a legal, it was, it was like they'd sent it to a lawyer and the lawyer passed it to me, not, you know, and it was about, They were saying it sounded like Chinese, I can't remember why I thought these were Chinese people writing this, but it was a group of people that didn't sign their name. Dr Lee Merritt: I, and at the time I believed them, I thought, well, they just don't wanna be killed probably. And they purported to be ratting out, this guy named Jiang at M i t. And what they're saying is, we've done the RNA sequencing, this is how we did it. These, these guys were, whether or not they were lying or not, at least they were extremely technically competent. Dr Lee Merritt: They, they, they, from what I can understand, I mean they were using the right words and they were talking about stuff I could verify. And they looked at all these different, they were using different methods for sequencing, different databases and all that kinda stuff. And what they said essentially was, You know, this isn't the code for a spike protein. Dr Lee Merritt: Okay? It, it's an, it's no long open reading frame. This is a, some kind of RNA toxin they're giving you. They're just giving you all sorts of little fragments of RNAs that we can't identify. It's not the, it's not the spike protein. And we think this is where the, the whole, the whole murder mystery thing comes. Dr Lee Merritt: And we think the only guy that could have done this was Jiang at the M mi t Jang lab named for him. Okay? So I decide who is this guy? So I went to the m MIT lab thing. Well, Jiang is a young guy, and by the way, his name in Chinese means tip of the spear make of that what you want. He's a Chinese American. Dr Lee Merritt: I mean, I think he was native born Chinese. But anyway, young guy. Obviously Barry Bright and his claim to fame is, this is the guy who's the father of crispr. Okay? So he's apparently very, very up in this thing. So I go to his website, start reading it, and what does he say? The first paragraph that I found about this was he says, yeah, you know, now I'm embellishing a little bit. Dr Lee Merritt: But he says, you know, when, when when you, when it comes to genetic manipulation, we can do gene knockdown. And I knew that what gene knockdown is is not, you know, that's how they made GMO potatoes. In other words, they crudely, you know, change things in the DNA enough that they can just get rid of things, and then they see what happens. Dr Lee Merritt: It's very crude, but it, they can do it. And that's the, the GMO potatoes that we have today that are all donating any of those. What they did was they didn't wanna have spoilers, so what they did is they hid the spoilers by knocking down the gene for the melanin. So anybody that eats GMO potatoes, just be aware the potatoes could be rotten, but you won't know because they took away the chemical marker that God gave us to know that something's rotten. Dr Lee Merritt: Okay? That's the way gene knockdown works. They can knock down part of your immune system, for example, but what they, what he says, but, but you know, when it comes to precise genetic insertion, we really can't do that. And I read that and I said, what? This is the father of crispr. That's what that's all about. Dr Lee Merritt: What are we talking about here? So then I looked up, and I learned this from Bob Greco, not Carbon 60 Fame. I said, I, I learned, I looked up his, his PhD thesis. [00:06:00] Okay. And what's his PhD thesis in? It's an optogenetics. Okay, so I'm gonna tell you a little later about why that's important. And what opto optogenetics in brief is that I can use wavelength to change the function of like nerve cells or you know, heart cells or things using wavelength. Dr Lee Merritt: And it presumably goes through the DNA expression. So that's what optogenetics is, and I'm gonna talk about that a little later. But here's the reason. So then I started thinking about there's something wrong about the idea of the r n A in the vaccines to begin with. The first, and the first thing is that if you're, if you're looking at the, the the production of this, of this technology just to begin with, let's assume they started six months before the e u a rolled out and they started producing these vaccines. Dr Lee Merritt: If you look at Pfizer, just at Pfizer, and you look at how many vaccines they claim they've produced, To date. And then you look at, at, let's give them a few more months. Let's add six months from the time of the e Uua. So from that date to now, they claim they've produced a certain number of vaccines to do that at, at their 11 facilities, they would have to be doing 18 vaccines per second, nonstop round the clock seven days a week. Dr Lee Merritt: No shutting down of any of those production lines. No pause for quality checks. No, nothing is, you know, and if you, and if then if then you say or no, that's 14, sorry, 14 vaccines per minute. If you say you waited until the e u a was actually approved to start producing it, you're talking about 18 vaccines a second. Dr Lee Merritt: So, Is that even possible? And is it even, especially with a, with a, with a medication like this, which is injectable and has serious quality constraints that have to be tested frequently, and that's just, I know something about manufacturing, you always shut down lines. Campbell Soup in Omaha near me, they always shut down lines because something was a muck. Dr Lee Merritt: Here you have a very, very delicate process and they're saying that [00:08:00] nothing is shut down, that it just doesn't make sense. So that's number one. Number two is the cost. In 2018, the cost of doing any kind, they only had, keep in mind that there were billions and billions of dollars sunk into vaccine into mRNA technology research in medicine. Dr Lee Merritt: And none of it except like two things so far have ever resulted in an actual treatment, has ever meant the clinical stages before Covid. And, and one of them was an ophthalmologic thing and it, and it. Cost essentially 800,000 to a million dollars a dose. And you're telling me that within two years they got that technology down so they could offer $30 or less per dose for the whole world. Dr Lee Merritt: I, I, I have a little hard time with that one too. Okay. You, I know mass prediction decreases cost, but to from a million to 30 mm. That's a little bit hard stretch, but here's the kicker. Okay. Even, you know, remember when this thing rolled out, at first they said, oh, this stuff has to be kept very, very cold to keep the RNA from degrading. Dr Lee Merritt: Soit's, it's very important that it says that 80 below, I think it was 80 below zero centigrade or something. It was very, very cold. And so it could only be in certain depositories around the country. And then, After about two or three weeks, that kind of just went away and pretty soon it was just sitting on a filing cabinet on, a pharmacy wall. Dr Lee Merritt: And then pretty soon it was there for a month. Okay. That was 10 days, and then it was a little stretched out. Now why is that important? Because if you go to a I, I found they're still doing research on this stuff, so they're, the people producing this are not the primary researchers. The researchers are out there in academia and all sorts of medical facilities, and they're doing all this stuff. Dr Lee Merritt: And they know, they know what happens when they're doing research. Right? They knew about the animal deaths. They're still having people, the, the cancer research in mRNA. Yeah. The animals don't die of cancer, but they're dying of other things, so they know there's a problem. It's never been really released yet for that. Dr Lee Merritt: But when I found a paper, and this is a, a, a group of, of physicians, I think from the University of Washington, and they, they're talking about how it's a review of mRNA technology. This is June of 2022. Let's think about that. So a year and a half after the rollout of all these vaccines, these guys are saying, you know, this mRNA technology would really, yeah, it has a lot of potential. Dr Lee Merritt: Like maybe we could make a vaccine their, their primary cancer researchers. But they were saying, yeah, for example, they could make a vaccine for malaria, which is desperately needed in the third world country. But the problem there is they don't have a transport system that would, that would allow this because without the ability to thoroughly to keep these things really, really cold, the M R N is going to degrade. Dr Lee Merritt: So at the time, we're letting this sit at room temperature for period long periods of time, months at a time before we give it out. They're still saying in the basic science research, that's not possible. And when you look at it, the half-life of some of these RNAs, so there's RNA as a, as a family of things. Dr Lee Merritt: They're micro RNAs and TR and mRNAs, the messenger RNAs or s RNAs. They're all these different things. And when they look at these things, they all have different half lives, but they, they range from about three minutes to 16 and a half hours. Now, I'm just gonna make this point. We know about transportation systems. Dr Lee Merritt: You couldn't even get it out of the factory in 16 and a half hours. Not to mention then the, so that to me is the final blow in my mind that this is not what this is about. Even if they intended it, they're getting, you're getting very, if, if they did put it in, which I doubt you're getting extremely degraded stuff if there's been sitting on a pharmacy shelf, right? Dr Lee Merritt: And, and when I say extremely degraded, it's like the point of 90 to 99% gone to the, and they say in the, in this article, one of these articles they say, which makes it useless as an m when you're as a clinical diagnostic test to look for mRNA, it's useless because just taking the blood sample, going to the lab, it's gonna all be degraded. Dr Lee Merritt: Now it degrades faster in blood cuz we have breakdown enzymes. But nonetheless, you see my point, this is just can't be what they're saying. So Yeah, so, so that was, that was the big thing. So then about this, so then what are they doing? And I honestly think the, for lack of a better term, I mean the uber parasites, I kinda like the Uber parasites. Dr Lee Merritt: I used to call 'em the Uber Lords, but the people on the top of the pyramid that are purposely trying to murder us with this stuff, if, you know, do you think they'd be spending their, they're not gonna volunteer their dollars for doing this if they can do it on the cheap, if it's gonna be more effective, it's not mRNA. Dr Lee Merritt: Even if it were, even if it were possible to get it out of the factory, it's just not a very cost effective therapy because it's expensive to make stuff like this. So anyway, and I think personally, all those billions that were spent are probably spent in dark programs. I don't think it's really being spent on this. Dr Lee Merritt: I mean, it's like nasa, right? This is like the mRNA technology is like space ex exploration by nasa. It may be going on some way, but not the way they're telling you. They're, they're, they're using the money for other things. So here we [00:13:00] have now, what are, what are they really doing? Well, it turns out that I went in, in the process of this, looking at optogenetics. Dr Lee Merritt: I started just researching optogenetics and I stumbled upon a lot of this stuff has to do with options. Options are chemicals that respond to light. So you and I have options in our eye, like roadin. It's one of those things that help you see chemicals or low light or something, but it changes with the, with, with, with when, when light hits it. Dr Lee Merritt: Now, Human beings and mammals in general, we don't have very strong options. In other words, they, they talk about, you know the kinetics of chemical reactions being, you know, very, very fast, very slow, whatever. Our kinetics in our options isn't very fast. We don't, we don't have the kind of really very sensitive options that bacteria do. Dr Lee Merritt: And I think it's a bluegreen algae or something that they used as an example that, that in a Petri dish, if you have this bluegreen algae floating on the surface, so the whole surface looks kind of bluegreen and you shine a 310 nanometer light on it, they'll start all moving away from you to the other side of the Petri dish. Dr Lee Merritt: It'll, it'll, eventually, you'll have a Petri dish that's, that's all to the, the opposite side because it actually triggers the little flagella, the little rotary propeller on the back of these, these single celled organisms. Okay? So they have very, very powerful options. Well, what these basic science researchers, and I never read, quite frankly, I don't know about you, but have you picked up a medical journal? Dr Lee Merritt: I mean, the medical journals are just so fraudulent. It doesn't matter. But real research is still being done out there and somebody's publishing it. You know, when something has become, by the way, here's your, your how to clue to how to do basic science reading. I learned this years ago. Looking at the bios, they'll, they'll publish, publish, publish, publish. Dr Lee Merritt: The minute it goes dark, you can't see it. They've quit publishing about it. That means it's gone into the black programs. Okay? So right now they're still publishing this stuff, but who knows? So, so this is from a few years ago and they're talking, maybe they're not publishing it now. Cause this is, some of this stuff is from a few years ago. Dr Lee Merritt: So what they did is they took these options and they said, let's hybridize mammalian options with these bacterial options to see if we can make them more effective. So if we can use 'em for targeting for cancer research, that's one of the reasons they, they were saying they were doing it. So they did that and they, and they, then they injected these things into the mice. Dr Lee Merritt: Now they're two types of optogenetic research using this that are primary. I mean, they're probably a lot more, but the big two things they're looking at is your heart and your brain. And they always do it. Although we wanna solve Parkinson's and we want to have, be able to solve you know, do things that are non-invasive in the heart. Dr Lee Merritt: Those are kind of the excuses they always give for all these kind of strange things. But what they did was they injected mice with these, this hybridized option and what they sell. Oh, the other thing is almost word for word. In all these articles, they talk about very s. Te temporal, spatial speci, specificity and specificity. Dr Lee Merritt: In other words, when they do this technique, it, it is very specific. If I want to use this technique on one part of the brain, I don't have to affect the other part of the brain. I can target parts of the brain, parts of the heart to the points. You can almost do cardiac mapping with this. Okay, so they, so they hybridize this chemical, this option thing. Dr Lee Merritt: They put it into the mice, and then they turn on the wavelength. They play around with wavelength and they can cause arrhythmia. They can start arrhythmia, they can stop arrhythmia. Now think about that. Dr Sam Sigoloff: They can start your heart and stop your heart with EMF frequency. Dr Lee Merritt: Let's just see what this might lead to. Dr Lee Merritt: But they couldn't do it. Yep, that's right. Now the, but here's the point and the good point I'm just gonna make, they couldn't do it until they put this chemical into you. So those people that are unvaccinated probably are somewhat. If this is what's going on, as I suspect it's good to be unvaccinated right now they really have to inject you. Dr Lee Merritt: This is not something I think they can get into you by all the fear tactics they're putting out there. I think they have to, it's like Judy Mitz said this at a meeting. I was sitting next to her chatting with her and she said, but she ta she talked about, you know, she talks about viruses, but she doesn't really mean viruses. Dr Lee Merritt: She means genetic material that's being scavenged from one animal, putting another animal. She calls it infection by injection. So I think that's what this is too. There's a, they, they have to get it into you, but once they get this stuff into the, into the animal, they can then cause this arrhythmia. Now I want you to think about the, the Travis Scott concert. Dr Lee Merritt: Remember? I mean, I'm not a, it may surprise you, but I don't follow rap. But, but that, there was one concert that I actually watched some of. But so they had all these people that dropped, and these are young people, roughly 10 of them. It, they wanted you to make it, make it sound like it was a crush syndrome, but it doesn't look like that. Dr Lee Merritt: And if you talk to the people that, if you listen to the people that were firsthand reporting it, assuming the history to be correct, like we talk about in homicide investigations and, and medicine histories, assuming the history to be correct, they weren't getting crushed until they fell. And then there was a problem that they didn't have room to do c p r. Dr Lee Merritt: That's when the, they tried to get things stopped. They tried to get these people resuscitated. They tried to get the help in the, the EMTs and stuff. That's the problem. So Dr Sam Sigoloff: there was a similar incidence in South Korea where there was, I think there was. A significant number in significant number. I wanna say a hundred, but Dr Lee Merritt: oh, in South Korea, Dr Lee Merritt: number of people dropped. I thought it was about a hundred. I did too. I wanna say a hundred. I think that's what I read. And again, these are young people and they, they, they go to this concert and they suddenly drop. Now what's the number one reason that young people have sudden death? It's, it's, it's sudden unexpected arrhythmia. Dr Lee Merritt: You got it. So let's just look at this. Now, these options respond to two things. They respond to wavelength and they respond to pulsitile light. Like a, like a strobe light, like a, like a flashing light at a concert, right? So everybody had to be vaccinated. Then they had to walk through this tunnel of, you know, this creepy skull satanic junk. Dr Lee Merritt: And then when they got into the concert, then they're bombarded with wavelength, they're bombarded with flashing lights. And these people kind of almost all at once started dropping same. I think that was the same thing in Korea. I can't, I don't know all the, I didn't, I didn't listen to the firsthand reports there, because now I'm pretty con I'm, I'm pretty convinced this is going on. Dr Lee Merritt: But they claim this, never used this technique in, in ma in, in humans. But they're, they, they can show you in animals. They can change the behavior by targeting, let's say they're hypothalamus and they can You know, they can do lots of stuff. So they're targeting the brain, they're targeting the heart. Dr Lee Merritt: And wouldn't this be, I dunno if you, you know, you're too young to remember the church commission, but the church commission really unearthed a lot of things in Congress when congress was really, some of the congressmen really, I guess, cared about truth. It unearthed a lot of things, including that heart attack gun. Dr Lee Merritt: You know, they had these guys showing this CIA heart attack gun cuz they could give you a heart attack at a distance. It's unprovable, but it used some kind of ice bullet. I mean, it was, it was kind of weird. I can't remember the whole story now. But they, they actually have, they've had a, a desire to be able to kill people. Dr Lee Merritt: You know, you know, these, these intelligence services, they wanna be able to off people without being caught. So, so just saw the dark, Dr Sam Sigoloff: I believe that, I believe that gun used some sort of cono, toxin from a cone snail. Dr Lee Merritt: It could be, I can't remember that whole story. There were several of those weapons out there. Dr Lee Merritt: There was the ice one and there was the toxin one. And then of course we have the Havana Syndrome. So let's not forget that they've been trying this for a long time. We know that in the age of the Soviet Union, we had our, our, our diplomats down there and they got, they got headaches, they got all these things happening to 'em, and it took years to untangle that. Dr Lee Merritt: At least we claim to figure out what was going on. But now we know they actually were having bombard of, of a microwave type device into their skulls because, and we also know it, not just because they claim that they've, they've done that, but also because DARPA worked at a countermeasure. And when they start working at countermeasure, they assume that there's a measure out there. Dr Lee Merritt: Yeah. And, and, and I'll just say in really in conclusion that the other point here is if you go back in the Russian literature that I did and it's just a fluke. I studied Russian in college, which is really paid off because I'm not, I can't speak it, you know, I can't, but I can, I can read it. I can read it. Dr Lee Merritt: I'm getting to read it better every night cuz I'm following the Vogner group and all these Russians and the war and Ukraine and I'm learning all sorts of language. We never were taught in the, in the Russian school. But anyway when you, you find this guy Kas Nache in the twenties and thirties in Nova, in, in the old Soviet Union. Dr Lee Merritt: And he became an academic kind of guy. But he started out just looking at this and he looked at cells that were in a, like a Petri dish and it would be, you know, side a, side B, exact same type of cell, but separated by an optical window and. It. Then he poisoned side A to see what happened in side B, and he would poison it with arsenic, cyanide, bacterial toxins. Dr Lee Merritt: Radiation was a favorite. He did this thousands of times. This is not a fluke. It was thousands of times he did different experiments. And what he discovered was if the optical window was glass, nothing happened to side B. But if the optical window was quartz, they started dying 12 hours later from the cells that were dying that he had poisoned. Dr Lee Merritt: But these weren't poisoned cells on side B, right side ae poisoned side B 12 hours later. And it's specific to what kind of poison he used. So if he poisoned side A with arsenic, side B would start dying with arsenic poisoning. Now, what's different between quartz and window glass quartz allows ultraviolet waves through. Dr Lee Merritt: So the Russians concluded that there was a a transmission here of something they called them the photon erti, the, the, the death photons that there were these ultraviolet photonic. You know, wavelengths coming through and it was killing the other cells from the dying cells previously. It's interesting that you can't find his literature in, he's written a lot, c chair wrote a lot, and yet you can't find stuff in English. Dr Lee Merritt: And when you do find anybody talking about him, they say things like, oh, that was these crazy, it's Soviet doctors and, and that hasn't been reproduced or something. And then, or you'll find a paper that, that looks like it's gonna tell you something and it says, you don't have the authorization to read this. Dr Lee Merritt: Now what is this? I mean, if it's crazy stuff that there's just, this guy's a loony tune, let me read it. Maybe I like loony tunes, you know? But no, they're gonna keep that. No, there's, and, but there was a group of doctors, a group of scientists outside of Russia that later on experimented with the stuff in the sixties or, or, or was researching the stuff in the sixties, I suspect they were in Germany. Dr Lee Merritt: And guess what lab it was? It was the Marburg lab. Now, if you look at Marburg, Marburg is not an airborne virus like they want you to believe because in the whole history of the world, there've only been 600 some cases, and most of them were in gold miners or some, one of 'em was gold miners. Maybe another kind of miner in these two different mines in Angola and Congo and during war, just at the end of these war episodes. Dr Lee Merritt: So it's kind of crazy, but it looks to me like that's, that was either asset acquisition or it was a bioweapons experiment on those groups of people. They didn't make their wives and children sick. It was just the minors that got sick. What. You see what I'm saying? It doesn't, it, if it were a virus, it would've spread around. Dr Lee Merritt: Just like why in Wuhan did all those people drop? But we didn't see people in Beijing, Orlon Jo or Jank, or you know, all these other cities did not si, you know, Shanghai, they didn't drop. And yet transportation was not halted in China for a long, long time. So again, what does make sense and fits everything is in, frequency. Dr Sam Sigoloff: So what you're saying is that the reason that in Wuhan, that everyone was dropping is they may have been exposed to a particular frequency, EMF frequency that may have caused. Some sort of fatal arrhythmia or some other issue that dropped caused 'em to drop dead. Dr Lee Merritt: Right Now there's two possibilities of how they got the, the, if it needs options, how do they get the options into the people in Wuhan? Dr Lee Merritt: And I will say there's two possibilities here. The one possibility, which I honestly kind of favor, but it doesn't quite go along with infection by injection is, but it goes along with what Karen Kingston has been saying. A, a specific hydrogel based or something, a lipophilic, something that you can, you get on your hands and it gets into you. Dr Lee Merritt: And by itself it's not toxic. Okay. It could, I thought it could be something that fit into the ACE two pathway. That could be true. That would be the hydrogel. But it, it's something that, and we have videos by, I think it was Epic Times that had a video for a while and it was a, some lady going into a computer store and she wasn't really looking at computers. Dr Lee Merritt: She was just opening the lid, touching all the keys, shutting the lid, [00:26:00] opening, touching, shutting, opening touch. Like that was what you'd do if you wanted to spread something to people, right? So maybe we've spread around some lipophilic, something that gets into your skin that ha te that stays on your skin. Dr Lee Merritt: You get it into your mouth and your mucus memories or what, you start absorbing it, but it doesn't harm you until they turn on the wavelength. I believe that's true. Now, it can also be that some of the people that I noticed, cuz I was following that from the middle, I had a friend that used to work at Fort Dietrich and, and you know the Bioweapons that used to be the Bioweapons plan, it still is now they call a cancer research place. Dr Lee Merritt: Cuz cuz cancers research is a great way to hide bioweapons like veterinary medicine. It's a great way to stash bio bioweapons money. But, but what happened is they No, what was my point? It was about the, the, oh, yeah, yeah. Say again? Dr Sam Sigoloff: There were young men, it seemed, who may have recentlly. Dr Lee Merritt: Oh yeah. Dr Lee Merritt: The young men dropping. So I started noticing, so I had this friend that told me, and I was from the middle of December, I was watching this stuff when most people had never heard that we were even having a disease [00:27:00] breakout. So I was watching this stuff glued to my computer, right? And getting all these, you see all these Chinese talking. Dr Lee Merritt: Now, I'm not saying that some of this couldn't have been propaganda and could have been lies, but there's some things you can't lie about. So, for example, I would see, and they were primarily young fence slender men, like, like thirties. Okay. Could have been military. They're walking along the street and they just drop onto their face without putting their hands down. Dr Lee Merritt: I don't think you get a crisis actor to do that, even in China. Okay. So I think there's some, there was some real stuff going on. The question is why, and I believe now those were at the time I said, I'll bet you the common den. Now why young men? I think those probably were military and they probably got vaccines cuz they got vaccinated and I know they were trying vaccines for sars. Dr Lee Merritt: So see there could have been a multiple factorial reason why people were getting sick and dying. Some of them may not have had the same stuff cuz they were experimenting early on. They were pl they were plotting this out. And I don't know that they had everything worked out. I, I [00:28:00] know they didn't because we can see that in the, in the Craig part of Cooper's research. Dr Lee Merritt: So that's what I think happened.Dr Sam Sigoloff: That fits in with the idea that I put forward in my episode 33 where I talk about the bio weapon and how foun pharmaceutical and BioNTech made an agreement saying that we will sell only to China, pho, sun, pharmaceutical, and BioNTech will sell to the rest of the world. Dr Sam Sigoloff: Well, if they've already done these experiments and they know that these kill people like that, then they, they know they will not give it to their people anymore. Dr Lee Merritt: Right, right. Well, and the other thing is, the other thing is I think, well, they also know that China can censor things and keep things from getting out there that they don't want out there because all that stopped right away, you know, to notice how it kind of went for about a month and then you didn't see much coming outta China. Dr Lee Merritt: And then we saw the stuff coming out of Lombardi in New York City and it moved on. Right. The other explanation is that they were tuning it in. That, that what was happening is they, because we love to do research on [00:29:00] third world people that, that in the middle of Africa, you know, I, I can remember when nobody heard of the term emerging Infectious Diseases. Dr Lee Merritt: That all started when we started doing our bioweapons programs over there. I believe, you know, that's when we started getting aids, we started getting Ebola, we started getting all sorts of stuff, and they always blame it on, oh, they, oh, we, we, they paved the Kinshasa highway and so truckers were bringing this, this sexually active disease out of the, out of deep, dark jungle. Dr Lee Merritt: I don't believe that. I mean, it's too pat and there's all sorts of stuff. You know, the Zika, I mean, I don't care if you look at these guys, and I'll say like Robert Malone, who have a history of being involved in this research. There's kind of a list of pathogens and, and you know, Zeke is one of 'em. Ebola is one of 'em, h i v, blah, blah, blah, blah. Dr Lee Merritt: These are all things that they use to try and get people to take a universal vaccine. They've been working at this forever. I would say on a, on a, on a kind of a creepy, now I'm, I'm gonna channel Cliff High or on a creepy [00:30:00] existential note here. I love Cliff. I've had a chance to talk to him multiple times. Dr Lee Merritt: He's great, but he, you know, it is true that it doesn't really matter what we believe, okay? It does matter ultimately with God and, and the reality of the universe. But in terms of understanding this, what it matters is what our enemy believes. And if you're, in this case, our enemies, we're in a weird, weird war. Dr Lee Merritt: When have you ever been in a war? You couldn't name the enemy, right? Has anybody really named the enemy here? It's, it's like, is it Pfizer? No, of course not. Is it the US Army? Is it the, they're trying to blame the military. Dr Sam Sigoloff: You got an answer enemy. The enemy is Satan himself. Dr Lee Merritt: Right? And in the form of, I think in the form of a bloodline conspiracy that owns 90 plus percent of the corporate wealth that sits on the top, that is run by a very few number of people. Dr Lee Merritt: And for the lack of a better term we call them the kaza and mafia. Now they're not, it didn't start in Ukraine and Kaza, it started in Babylon. And you're right, it goes way back to be probably even before the Old Testament. I mean, way biblical times way back and whoever and whatever these, these people using the term somewhat loosely are, but they have a weird belief. Dr Lee Merritt: And part of the weird belief is that I can't. Hurt you directly because that's, that would, I would get karmic retribution, but I can, I can indirectly cause you to be killed. So if I inject you with a poison that knocks down your immune system so your own parasites kill you, which I think is what's happening in many of these young men in the, and women in the military that have been out accumulating parasites during their duty overseas and in the jungles and, you know, creeping through Camp Lajeune and Fort Bragg and places like that. Dr Lee Merritt: And then we knock down that part of their immune system that now keeps their parasites and check boom, they die of parasites. And we call it cancer cuz we've been told that when you see these masses all over you, it's not, it's cancer or not, oh, we don't, we don't know what causes cancer, but it's cancer. Dr Lee Merritt: We never look at, see if it's actually intracellular parasites. So that's one the whole line of, of thinking. But the these, that's what they do. And another thing is they have to tell you what they're going to do. So here's an interesting point cuz if I tell you what I'm going to do and then you make the choice to do it, it's not my fault. Dr Lee Merritt: You've chosen your path and you are responsible. Dr Sam Sigoloff: Are you talking about the poison? Yeah. Are you talking about the poison apple? What? Dr Lee Merritt: That's kinda like the poison apple expedition. So, so here's the deal. In, in, when, when they said to you there's a virus breaking out in, in Wuhan China, it's bad. It's killing people. Dr Lee Merritt: That virus has moved now to Lombardi and now the virus has come to America and the virus is doing this and the virus is doing that. These people understand language. Okay. They do word, it's Babylonian word, magic and money. Magic. And what does virus mean in Latin, it means toxin or poison. It does not mean an airborne particle that flies out and is somewhat alive and goes to you and makes you sick. Dr Lee Merritt: That is not what virus means. It means poison. So they were right. There's a poison breaking out. Let's just re reiterate this. It's a poison breaking out in, in, in China and Lombardi and New York. And if we start looking at that, we won't be. The reason this is even important, it's not just an academic exercise, but if we keep believing that these things are unrelated, this talk of Marburg and then there was monkeypox, remember the Monkeypox even that they couldn't sell to a lot of people that would normally, that may have bought into this other vaccine that was so crazy. Dr Lee Merritt: You know, there's just all these different things they're now trying to tell you that are going to be coming on and it's gonna be the pa. We have a pandemic every two weeks at almost now. It's like we're worried about this now. We're worried about that now. Oh, I know what the fungus among us. Okay. I love that one. Dr Lee Merritt: The, the, the new fungus. It has a 60% fatality rate. Oh my gosh. Set your hair on fire. Be afraid until you read the CDC actual article. And at the very bottom it says, normal people don't get fung this fungus. In other words, if you're normal immune system, you don't get it. The reason that they're telling you, trying to make you think that it's kind of natural is because they don't want to have to admit it's the vaccines knocking down your immune system. Dr Lee Merritt: And these people who have taken multiple vaccines are getting essentially vs vaccine aids vaccine induced or, you know, acquired immunodeficiency. And, and it, and, and that is exactly what happened to the AIDS victims. Remember first they were vaccinated in an experimental hepatitis B vaccine, and six months later in those same cities where the, the gay population volunteered for that study, the AIDS broke out in the gay populations. Dr Lee Merritt: Okay. And then they gave them a z t, which was a toxic drug. The, the people like Magic Johnson didn't take it. They just, you know, pretended to, I guess, for the money. But I know, I know somebody that treated him. He, he wasn't on it or isn't on it. And because it made him sick and he quit taking it right away. Dr Lee Merritt: Okay? So the people that are smart, they're not, they didn't take that. And, and what happened is the people that took it though, it damaged their immune system further. And then they in the process of dying and all the bad things that happened to those poor guys, they they got Pneumocystis, Caria, one of these opportunistic fungi. Dr Lee Merritt: Fungi. So the fungus among us is an opportunistic thing that won't damage normal people. They have to, they have to get your immune system softened up first. This is the, Dr Lee Merritt: that's it. Dr Lee Merritt: Absolutely. Just, just being in lockdown. You know? Why do, why do we, and this, this, I'm gonna tell you, this is, I learned this from studying the 1918 faux pandemic also started at an army base. I mean, it was just, it had nothing to do with a, a, a non-existent virus. It had everything to do with electromagnetic wavelengths and vaccines. Dr Lee Merritt: So the people that died were people that took the vaccines according to eyewitness reports on the ground. Okay? So yeah, that's what this is. This is, this is about the same. And they're doing every time they do that, if you notice, every time we have these, these. Kind of problems. Why do we have a winter death season? Dr Lee Merritt: And why did lockdown make make it worse? Because in the winter we're not getting sunlight. You know, you and I were lied to in medical school. I know. I I don't even have to ask you because I know that they didn't tell you this because they told us, oh, you're not plants. You don't get any direct energy from the sunlight. Dr Lee Merritt: I'm sure they told you that, right? It only from your food. Dr Sam Sigoloff: But what's wild is I just, I recently learned in the past few weeks that we have photoreceptors in almost every cell in our body, in our mitochondria. And you can do photo biomodulation where you can use a specific wavelength of, it's, it's in the infrared red spectrum. Dr Sam Sigoloff: And you can actually affect and heal mitochondria with a laser deep inside your body, like in the brain. You can penetrate through the brain. Through, through the skull, the skin, everything. Dr Lee Merritt: And that's the basis of these infrared lasers, right? That do heart, they actually help you recover from heart attacks and things. Dr Lee Merritt: So this has been known, again, part of, you know, the Dark Cult. A cult just means hidden the dark cult of these people that run this show. They know these things. They know better how the world works, how our bodies work. They know we're wavelength, we are creatures of light. We're God's creation of by energy. Dr Lee Merritt: And we appear like this because we're caught in Satan's realm, in this reality situation where we're, we are real, we're, we're, we can be damaged, but. Infrared seems to be the answer. It's on the, the deaths photons. Remember, were ultraviolet. The other end of the spectrum, the infrared is what you get when you go out in the sun in the, in the summer, right? Dr Lee Merritt: You get a lot of infrared in radiation. And what that does is it charges literally, not just the mitochondria here, energy production, but it charges up the cells in your ba your battery's charge differentiation in all the cells. So every cell in your body is filled with like gelatin. It's not water in a loose form, it's gel water, and you have a charge differential that helps you get rid of toxins. Dr Lee Merritt: You, you know, so the toxin comes in and your body will wall it off with, this has actually been very clearly proven up by Dr. Pollock up in, in, in Washington University, and it walls off the toxin with separation of charge and pushes it outta the cell, just like we would do in the lab with a gel electrophoresis. Dr Lee Merritt: That's how you know how things move. So, We, we, we, Dr Sam Sigoloff: one thing that I wanna, I wanna get to real quick is go back and look at my episode when we're filming this. It is not published, but by the time this comes out, it will be episode 79 with Dr Manuel Ricio and how he talks about chlorine dioxide. And I'm not saying you should take chlorine dioxide, but listen to how he explains it. Dr Sam Sigoloff: Learn about it. See if it's right for you. Because what he says is that it, it, it, he says the same thing that we are energy and the chlorine dioxide balances that energy out. Whether you're acidic or you're basic. Dr Lee Merritt: It has, it has something, whatever, whatever chlorine dioxide does. And I, I'm like you, I don't tell people to use it cuz I don't wanna go to jail. Dr Lee Merritt: Okay. They really wanna hide that one. But I do it, I take it myself every day. I'm on 10 drops a day. You don't start there. But that's, that's, I, I love it. And I never get sick traveling anymore, but I also live by the sun cycle because the problem is why do we have a winter flu season? We never used to have a winter flu season until we laid down the telegram lines. Dr Lee Merritt: So. The electrification of our ionosphere and our atmosphere has made a big difference. You know, flu used to break out around the world every decade or three decades, ba and it was completely the sun cycle. It happened when there was a high energy bo bolus from the sun. And in fact, not too long ago, we just had a burst. Dr Lee Merritt: One of those, I don't know, the g the, the astrophysicists call it something, it's some kind of sunburst that, that, that made a big flare. And, and I, and, and I had about 10 people say, Hey, I got a sudden cough. Do you think I'm getting covid? I said, no, you just got flared on after about 10 called, I figured out what was going on. Dr Lee Merritt: So it still bothers us, but we don't notice it. In the winter though, what happens is not only are we in this hyper electric environment that we never used to be in, our ancestors never used to be in, made worse by things like windmills and all sorts of stuff, not just cell phones. But the second thing is yeah, at an arm's length away from you, I hope. Dr Lee Merritt: And the second thing is that we don't get out in the sun in the winter. So, We, our batteries literally over time get discharged and about by January the, the, the most frail people among us earlier in the season are gonna start getting sick and die because they've got toxins and now they can't expel them. Dr Lee Merritt: So our answer's not a vaccine. In fact, the vaccine makes it worse, right? You get the flu vaccine and then three months later people start dying. That's not also by accident. So what we have to realize is we can take charge of our own body and our own life by just living by the sun cycle. The infrared saunas are great in the winter, you know, in the summer, get out in the light. Dr Lee Merritt: Other things along this line. How many people do you know? Now they're suddenly sun gazing, you know, take off your glasses and go out and literally stare at the sun. And I, I thought this sounded crazy cuz we are always taught in medical school, oh, that's gonna give you cataracts and damage your vision. Dr Lee Merritt: It turns out people that are doing this, including well-trained physicians are finding their, their over time, their vision is getting better. Now, don't go out and just stare at the sun for an hour. You're gonna burn your retina. But if you do it in a proper way and you start like doing it when the sun is, is not so bright, or it's in the morning or the evening, or you look through i, you do it through stippled trees and things, things you're get, there's a reason we're supposed to be getting that. Dr Lee Merritt: But they've told us we're sunglasses. Slather yourself with sunscreen. They don't want us to get sun exposure. Dr Sam Sigoloff: I think for the sun gazing, I've broached that subject briefly. I haven't had enough time to pour into it, but I believe the time that people do it is not midday sun. It's morning when the sun's just coming up and evening when the sun's setting. Dr Sam Sigoloff: And it has to do with gazing upon that, that long focal distance and it really calms you is what I hear. And you know, I live in Arizona now and it's, I'm pretty calm, like I can see and I can see forever and I don't feel claustrophobic. I lived in Alaska and in that tiny house where it's dark and it's dark all winter and it's dark inside. Dr Sam Sigoloff: And cuz the log cabins don't have adequate lighting. No matter how much you do it, it, it's, it's just so much more relaxing being here. Yeah. Dr Lee Merritt: Now it's funny, I'm multiple, I'm in Iowa and I moved back. When I retired from my spine practice, I moved back from Arizona to Iowa because I couldn't stand those perfectly sunny days Every day I had to have four seasons. Dr Lee Merritt: I had to have snow, I had to have some dark. So, you know, but, but I make sure now. That I have an infrared sauna in the house, in the, in the winter. And I use it, I mean, we didn't get sick the year of covid, cuz we just got in the infrared sauna every night. And you know, 20 minutes at 130 degrees, you don't have to spend your life in there. Dr Lee Merritt: You can read in there, you can do things in there and, and you just, you'll start sweating. You'll start really feeling the effects, but it helps you get the toxins out and it helps you charge up your batteries. And that's what's, that's what's key. We are, we are electromagnetic beings. Now. The chlorine dioxide just happens to have, it's very interesting. Dr Lee Merritt: It's like God's miracle molecule because it has a very specific disci energy of dissociation. You know, it, it, like Clorox, everybody wants to call this bleach. It's not Clorox. Yes, it's an oxidizer, but it's also a, it'll corrode things because the, the energy of dissociation is very high. And if you look at all these different things that could be potentially used, like for sanitation, All of them except chlorine dioxide have a very high dissociative volt voltage, not chlorine dioxide. Dr Lee Merritt: So chlorine dioxide can be used and it doesn't, it doesn't do the bad things that you would think if you were drinking bleach. I mean, that's the point. People make a fun of it. It's not true. But again, electromagnetics. So I think we should be looking at that as not only can they produce disease just with electromagnetism they've shown, but they can certainly be specific and they can target it. Dr Lee Merritt: And I have a, I don't know, do you wanna, have you heard of this guy? Let me see if I can find this video. Just really quick. I, I, cuz I keep forgetting his name. His name is Pierre Gilbert. Dr Sam Sigoloff: While you're looking for, Well, you're looking for that. Go. I wanna encourage the listener to the viewer to go back to, I think it's episode 54 that you and I did together when we talked about EMF and we got pretty deep into it really good information in that episode. Dr Lee Merritt: Yeah. And that's when we started talking about having the tri field meter and, and how you can avoid it. And I, and I, I don't know, I think I had, I knew about this and then, but the the EMF saw people, they have, they have bioassays to show their stuff works. Yes. That's same thing. Exactly. Dr Sam Sigoloff: And I, I have one on the back of my phone and I don't know if it's made a difference. Dr Sam Sigoloff: I put one on the house as well. I will say that everyone in the house has just been a bit more calm. Dr Lee Merritt: No, I think it makes a huge difference sometimes on the house. Dr Sam Sigoloff: Yeah. Like everyone was kind of on edge before and now everyone's just. Dr Lee Merritt: And that is the simple, the, the on being on edge is one of the symptoms that they understood back in the 18 hundreds when they called it neurasthenia. Dr Lee Merritt: That's what neurasthenia was. It was associated with the electrification. It was otherwise called telegraph disease because people that were working in the telegram offices in the 18 hundreds and in underneath the telegram lines, like conductors on trains, they all started getting this nervous jitteryness. Dr Lee Merritt: Not all of them, but some of them. And it's somewhat genetically. I mean, some people are more susceptible, but they found if they took a big long twist on the telegram line of the copper wire, it went away or pretty much got better. So yeah, I think you're completely right by saying it's probably calmed your family down in the house. Dr Sam Sigoloff: Another thing that's interesting that kind of goes along with this, but it's a, it's a different topic that, of an episode that will be published by the time this one comes out, but it's where I talk with flat Earth Dave and we talk about the Corliss effect and the he's, he. Says that the reason the Corola effect is around the equator is because the sun is, listen to it, it's gonna sound crazy. Dr Sam Sigoloff: And me talking about it, he gives very good evidence and he's got pictures and, and graphics and all this, but he says that the sun is much, much, much closer than we think it is. It's, it looks like it's right there because it is right there. And as it goes through the air, over the equator, and as the moon goes over the air, over the equator, it, it causes an electromagnetic wake in its path. Dr Sam Sigoloff: And he said, you know, just like when you take your hand through water, there's. Two vortexes on either side of it. Dr Lee Merritt: Wow. Yeah. I have to say the flat earth guys, they make some good arguments. They really do make some good arguments. My problem is, and I don't think, by the way, I'm, I'm with them on the scam of nasa. Dr Lee Merritt: As I said earlier, NASA is a black, but that doesn't mean we didn't go to the moon using different technology. So the question I have for you is is he, does he believe in aliens that come from other places in the universe? Dr Sam Sigoloff: We didn't talk about aliens at all actually, cuz I think he wanted to keep it YouTube friendly so that it doesn't get yanked off a YouTube. Dr Sam Sigoloff: We did talk about the moon, we did talk about nasa. Dr Lee Merritt: Now aliens will get you new Dr Sam Sigoloff: challenger in particular. I'm, I'm, I'm just questioning aliens now will get you off YouTube. I don't know. I don't know. I just got, I didn't in. My interview with Kirk, with Dr. Kirk Moore got yanked off within two days, and that was just him telling his personal story of what happened. Dr Sam Sigoloff: No treatment, no, this, that or the other. No. Covid misinformation. Dr Lee Merritt: I've been meaning to call him. Yeah. Yeah. You sent me the information. I I really want to interview him. That guy has really a good story. Yeah. He's a hero. Yeah, he is. It's he's a hero. Well, and it is. That's why I'm saying it's very interesting. Dr Lee Merritt: So he must be saying something that is really damaging to them or that it's, it's, it, it's provable in such a way that they don't want it to be out there. Because that was my experience. One of the things that kind of woke me up is that I didn't, I'm according to Steve Ksh, he says I'm the only person he knows. Dr Lee Merritt: It got demonetized from ck but it wasn't about talking about genetics or CRISPR dna, n a modification or r n a vaccines. It was when I started talking about that these are wavelength weapons. Not, not m r n a weapons. That's when it got me. They, they literally sent the money back to my subscribers, thousands of dollars. Dr Lee Merritt: Yeah. So it wasn't just a random Oh, your credit check didn't go through. Or, you know, I mean, you could say, oh yeah, I know you didn't have a PayPal account or something. No, I did. I did. But they, PayPal, I got, I got demonetized from PayPal long before I tried to be on ck. So it's interesting. I mean that, so, so he must be speaking words that are dangerous to them. Dr Lee Merritt: That's what you gotta conclude there. Dr Sam Sigoloff: Well, you have to remember, he was indicted for destruction of government property. Dr Lee Merritt: Yeah, yeah, yeah. But that, that, again, as growing up in the Vietnam generation that used to put you on front news as a hero. Oh, you know, Daniel Berrigan and the you know, the Pentagon Papers and all that kind of stuff were taken down the army Vietnam effort that used to be You were a hero to do that now. No, Dr Sam Sigoloff: and he saved lives. He saved children's lives, and they had a sting operation to figure this out. It's just, it's mind boggling. Dr Sam Sigoloff: Absolutely. And, and yeah, I have to talk with him because it's interesting. I mean, that, that took guts to do that. To just not give, to pretend to give the vaccine and not give the vaccine. Dr Sam Sigoloff: So, and, and for anyone out there who's like, oh what about the parents? They paid for? The parents knew a hundred percent what he was doing. This was what they wanted because they didn't want their child to get this poison shot. Dr Lee Merritt: Yeah. Wow. I didn't know that part, but I was pretty sure that was probably true because if you're an ethical physician, you are going to give informed consent. Dr Lee Merritt: Why did you get into trouble trying to give informed consent? Right. How did Pete Chambers get, get canned informed consent? They didn't want us actually looking into what we had to know to do informed consent. And that's why at the end of the day when we talk about what's in these vaccines, everybody should keep in mind that they still don't tell us what's in them. Dr Lee Merritt: We still don't have any official notice by Moderna, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, anybody telling us what are the actual things in here, right? Dr Sam Sigoloff: The things that we know are in there are, are bad enough. These, these lipid nanoparticles that they say are in there, those are disastrous. They're not validated for human use. Dr Lee Merritt: Right? And they knew they were disastrous in 2018, but then that literature went black. So you went quiet cuz they were gonna weaponize it. Yeah. Dr Sam Sigoloff: Well, I found a patent from 2014 that showed they were disastrous. That they sh, that they caused disseminated intravascular coagulation or dic. They caused autoimmune disorders. Dr Sam Sigoloff: They caused all these problems in 2014. Dr Lee Merritt: Yes. Yeah, they, they knew. And that's, if you, again, it's very interesting cuz I went back and read that old literature, and, and you probably know this, but just for your listeners, that if you read the, the, the vaccine literature, they say, oh, these cat lipids are great. Dr Lee Merritt: They, they help stimulate the immune system and we don't see a lot of problems with them. But then you read the cancer and the basic science guy's literature about this stuff and they say, they say, yeah, you know, there's potential to use all this stuff for, for medical dosing and this cation, but these cationic lipids are so toxic and we just can't seem to work it out. Dr Lee Merritt: And then all of that literature gets quiet after 2018. Dr Sam Sigoloff: That's one thing that, that the medical community seems to think that, oh, we made antibodies, it must be good. Well, scarlet fever is also antibodies. Dr Lee Merritt: Yeah, yeah. No antibodies. Antibodies are your body trying to react to something that's toxic. Yeah. And, and honestly, if you really start looking at the history of vaccines, it, the whole thing was corrupt. Dr Lee Merritt: And, and I started, I, I'm sorry. I vaccinated my kids when they were little. You know, again, I, I wouldn't do it again, but I believed in all this stuff. That's what they told. And, and he, I, I believed it. Even though, even though I remember in 1976, my pediatric professor of medic pediatrics in, at the University of Rochester, he got up in front of the class. Dr Lee Merritt: This is when you're doing your pre-clinicals, and he said, and he showed us the graphs of the decrease in death in America. From, from vaccine of childhood diseases, and it was minuscule by the time they instituted, for example, the measles vaccine, the kids weren't dying of measles. It was extremely rare, like 200 a year, 250 a year. Dr Lee Merritt "we can now show if you give people vitamin A, vitamin D give 'em a better diet"
Dr. 'Lee Merritt', Genetics, 'MRNA', Dr. 'Sam Sigoloff',
the CDC,NIH,,& the FDA are continually rejecting any facts that any World Class Medical experts present to us. So shut up peasants, & get your periodical boosters.
Covid vaccines, viruses, mrna and spike protein discussion MAY now be obsolete.
HIGH level med-scientists/doctors (incl Dr Wagh Phdx2 - virology and immunology, Dr Yeadon, Dr Merritt, Dr Cahill & ors) state, that there are no respiratory viruses - viruses are non existent - cf Dr’s Sam & Mark Bailey & ors) . And all vaccines are chemical weapons - no virus, no mrna and no spike protein. Bogus PCR & face diapers do nothing but cause harm. ONE: Med-scientists have found a "unique type of protein" in synthetic venom (snake/other) in the vaccine's. See Italian study: "Toxin-like peptides in plasma, urine and fecal samples from Covid-19 patients". Synthetic venom is easily dispersed in water, air, food & boosters. TWO: Med-scientists have found much toxic heavy metals including reduced graphene oxide in every toxshot/booster no matter what brand (2300+ tested- 20+ scientists in universities/labs world wide), and along with nano hydrogel particles = systemic inflammation, organ and neurological damage- blood clotting etc. THUS: synthetic venom + toxshots graphene oxide + heavy metal toxicity (+ 5G) = emergent chronic illnesses - “long covid”, fatigue, infertility, miscarriages, cancers, diabetes, heart damage – myocarditis etc, blood clotting, string clotting, HIV, autoimmune & prion disease, neurological problems, shingles, super flu, chickenpox, monkey pox etc., immune system failure, death - sudden in adults and children. Unvaccinated get similar sicknesses by transmitting of graphene oxide through breath and skin - cf the blood of unvaxxed children living with vaxxed parents have graphene oxide assembling the in their blood (Dr Hoffe and ors). TO DETOX- immune system supplements - FLCCC, Dr Ardis, Dr Zelenko, Dr Love, Dr Merritt and ors– (cf Ivermectin - Hydroxychloroquine - Chlorine Dioxide for water).
Dr Horowitz is in the know as well on how to treat and prevent Covid
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