10 Commandments Of Spiritual Strength w/ Jared Zimmerer | 29

1 year ago

This week on the Elliott Hulse podcast, Elliott introduces Dr. Jared Zimmerer, a spiritual strength athlete and author of the groundbreaking book, The Ten Commandments of Lifting Weights—Discover Jared's unexpected journey from philosophy to YouTube content. Witness the incredible fusion of intellect and athleticism as Dr. Zimmerer challenges stereotypes and proves that athletes can think and read great books and engage in a relentless pursuit of knowledge that leads to the theology of the body, defying expectations and inspiring athletes to embrace a deeper understanding of themselves.

In this episode:
• Connection Between Faith, Philosophy, and Bodybuilding
• Transformative Power of Weightlifting
• The Weight Room as a Uniquely Masculine Space for Boys to Become Men
• The Dangers of Vanity and Ego in Modern Culture
• Developing Reflection, Calmness, and Respect

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Connect with our Guests Jared Zimmerer on instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/jaredzimmerer/

Meet Elliott Hulse http://www.elliotthulse.com

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