The Cancer Cure Cover-Up - Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski

1 year ago

Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski won the largest, and possibly the most convoluted and intriguing legal battle against the Food & Drug Administration in American history.
His victorious battles with the United States government were centered around Dr. Burzynski's gene-targeted cancer medicines he discovered in the 1970's called Antineoplastons, which have currently completed Phase II FDA-supervised clinical trials in 2009. The FDA proceeded to place a hold on any further trials, until now…

The Burzynski Research Institute, Inc. announced that the FDA has notified the company that its partial clinical hold on its IND for Antineoplastons A10/AS2-1 Injections has been lifted. The FDA has determined that under its IND the Company may initiate its planned Phase 3 study in newly diagnosed diffuse, intrinsic, brainstem glioma. The Company is continuing discussions with the Agency in an effort to finalize additional details of the phase 3 study protocol for the potential clinical trial.

The FDA's decision to lift the clinical hold marks on an important step in the development of Antineoplastons for the treatment of various forms of brain tumors in the US. At the same time, the Company is evaluating possible next steps for the Antineoplastons clinical program given the current progress and anticipated resource requirements of the ongoing program.

Burzynski Research Institute, Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company committed to developing treatment for cancer based on genomic and epigenomic principles. Research and development efforts are focused on basic research and phase 3 clinical trials, particularly in the treatment of brain tumors and other forms of cancer.

Dr. Burzynski, a nationally and internationally recognized physician/investigator, pioneered the use of biologically active peptides for the treatment of cancer. In 1967, at the age of 24, Dr. Burzynski graduated first in his class of 250 students from the Medical Academy in Lublin, Poland. It was at this time that he identified naturally occurring human peptides, which were deficient in cancer patients. He concluded that these peptides played a role in preventing the growth of cancer cells. In 1968, he earned a PhD degree and became one of the youngest physician/investigators in Poland to hold both a MD and PhD degree.

Between 1970 and 1977, he received funding from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) for his work as a Principal investigator and Assistant Professor at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, TX. During this time he authored/coauthored numerous publications, including those detailing his work on naturally occurring human peptides and their effect on cancer – some of which were co-authored by investigators associated with the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center or the Baylor College School of Medicine. In May 1977, Dr. Burzynski received a Certificate of Appreciation from the Baylor College of Medicine that acknowledged his contributions to the ‘Advancement of Medical Education, Research, and Health Care’.

In 1977 the Burzynski Clinic was established in Houston, TX. Since then, more than 10,000 patients have received treatment at the clinic, including more than 2,300 cancer patients who have been treated in FDA reviewed and Institutional Review Board (IRB) approved clinical trials program of Antineoplastons, investigational agents that derived from Dr. Burzynski’s early investigations of naturally occurring human peptides. Currently, new FDA-reviewed Phase II and III clinical studies utilizing Antineoplastons are awaiting funding approval prior to patient enrollment.

Dr. Burzynski has extensive experience treating cancer with combinations of targeted agents and immunotherapy, and the drug phenylbutyrate (PB), which targets multiple genetic abnormalities simultaneously.

Dr. Burzynski is the author/co-author of over 300 scientific publication/presentations. He has collaborated with investigators at the NCI, the Medical College of Georgia, the Imperial College of Science and Technology of London, the University of Kurume Medical School in Japan, and the University of Turin Medical School in Italy, among others. He is a member of several prestigious organizations, including the American Medical Association, American Association of Cancer Research (AACR), American Society of Clinical Oncology, the Society for Neuroscience, the Society for Neuro-oncology, the Royal Medical Association (U.K.), and the Academy of Medical Ethics. As of June 2015, he held 245 patents in 35 countries covering his scientific inventions.

U.S. Govt Finally Releases Burzynski Cancer Cure Treatment!

Published on December 25, 2021
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A doctor who claims he has the cure for cancer has won yet another court case against the US Government in his objective of getting his methods into the mainstream.

But Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski’s case has not been reported by the mainstream media, and why? Because the government and the drug companies work in such close quarters, and a cure for cancer means and end to the profits made from expensive cancer drugs and treatments.

A hold that was placed on a remarkable breakthrough cancer treatment invented by Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski has finally been lifted by the FDA.

It should have been news that sent shock-waves throughout the industry, so large that even the establishment’s media could not ignore them. Spilling out onto every radio and news station in the country, if not the world.

But once again, another huge victory against the medical establishment for a Houston-based doctor that has been using a breakthrough technology he invented to literally cure cancer on many occasions, who for all-intents-and-purposes should be a household name by now and an easy Nobel Prize winner, is instead nowhere to be found, as if it never even happened.

That’s because Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski and his cancer-curing discovery, “Antineoplastons,” including a remarkable, relatively new gene-targeted therapy, threatens the very way of life to which the Western medical cancer and sick-care industry has become accustom. Raking in billions a year off of the desperate backs of people suffering from debilitating and deadly diseases in which the Western medical industry does not truly want to find a cure.

Despite a track record dwarfing that of conventional cancer treatments, including outright curing some forms that, until now, were previously thought of as “incurable,” the government and the medical establishment has been fighting tooth-and-nail to prevent public knowledge of this technology from crossing the Rubicon and becoming too widely known to stop, without real public backlash. Well, now, it may soon be too late for that.

That’s because only days ago, the Burzynski Research Institute, Inc. (BRI) released a statement to the media explaining that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has finally ended their latest attempt to stifle his lifetime’s work and a breakthrough that will likely revolutionize the way cancer is viewed and treated. Surprisingly lifting a two-year “partial” clinical hold on an Investigational New Drug (IND) application for Antineoplastons A10/AS2-1 Injections and finally clearing the way for long-awaited Phase 3 trials for newly-diagnosed cancer patients. Initially for a specific form of cancer, known as Diffuse Intrinsic Brainstem Glioma.

Considering the already proven success rates prior to the government hold, for both Glioma during Phase 2 trials and many other forms of cancer individually, most of the naysayers, critics and skeptics are going to have a tough time pretending the opposite. Giving a much needed booster to an industry that has been suffering from almost total corruption and manipulation of the Hippocratic Oath for a very, very long time.

Although it would be more of a shock if the medical establishment actually stopped trying to put an end to what could end up helping the public at-large become aware of much more than decades of official suppression of life-saving treatments and cures, the FDA’s surprising decision now makes way for an extremely important step in the progression of Antineoplastons’ use for various forms of brain tumors and many, if not most other types of cancers in the US.

Along with Burzynski’s ingenious way of approaching gene targeting, to more accurately prescribe petro-chemical-based pharmaceutical medications and diet changes for people based on individual differences in the more than 24,000 different genes they analyze at his clinic, as opposed to the more generalized way Oncologists and other doctors are trained to prescribe medications, the Burzynski technique is truly taking the way cancer patients are treated to the next level in medicine. Now that it has become so much easier to study the human genome through technological advancements.

A reality that is seriously scaring the medical establishment, pharmaceutical corporations and cancer foundations. Which has prompted responses by their puppets at the FDA and the Texas Medical Board that are nothing short of obvious attempts to make it next to impossible for this discovery to thrive and succeed. While continuing to save many more lives than what Western medicine is, quite frankly, allowed. As long as Dr. Burzynski is in possession of the patented advancements, that is.

Because even as the skeptics and trolls do everything they can to shoot down the discovery on every single article and video released in support of the technique’s proven successes, for reasons that include the subconscious fears of real answers to questions regarding why this treatment isn’t already widely used, if it truly didn’t work better than what Western-trained doctors are still being forced to do, then why did the agents of deceit in the US government, BigPharma and related individuals collude with one of Burzynski’s own research scientists to file 11 different patents on the very same, non-toxic, Antineoplastons AS2-1 medical technology? #6,037,376, #5,635,532, #5,605,530, #5,852,056,#5,654,333, #5,661,179, #5,635,533, #5,710,178, #5,843,994, #5,877,213, #5,881,124. Only failing to accomplish the patent hijacking after a Grand Jury acquitted Burzynski of any wrongdoing, during the establishment’s 4th and most recent attempt to put him in prison for the very same technology they were trying to patent.

The only question left unanswered immediately becoming whether they were going to capitalize on the discovery after his imprisonment, or bury it, just as the establishment has done to countless others in the past. Which include discoveries and inventions that span a wide array of different industries, such as health, medicine, energy, transportation, etc.

But, rather than asking any of the individuals that entrusted what was likely the last few years, months, or even days of their lives to the remarkable technology he discovered and were successfully cured of their cancers, after all of the “conventional” methods had unsurprisingly already failed, if they’re happy they happened to have stumbled upon a doctor by the name of Stanislaw Burzynski… Now that Phase 3 clinical trials have been given the green light, it’s likely the continually growing numbers of success stories will do much more than speak for themselves.

Until the treatment has saved so many lives, however, and has become so widely known that not even the media can pretend it doesn’t exist anymore without being too obvious, which is very likely to happen if the establishment isn’t successful at shutting him down before then, the only places you’re likely to hear about the progress of Burzynski’s miracle discovery, as well as many other forms of known-but-hidden disease cures, is in articles such as this and other related sources.

Because just as it has been stated and proven many times before, until something is done to make real changes to the system, the media, and the establishment that controls them, the revolution will not be televised, unless we give them no choice.

Lord willing, at least as far as cancer is concerned, thanks to Dr. Burzynski and all those who support him, that day may now soon be upon us.

Text Source: "U.S. Govt Finally Releases Burzynski Cancer Cure Treatment!"

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