Asian Stir Fried Mushroom Recipe

1 year ago

Asian Stir Fried Mushroom Recipe Tutorial Video

300g oyster mushroom
4 cloves garlic
1 tbs light soy sauce
1 tsp mushroom stock
quarter tsp ground white pepper
20ml sweet sticky soy sauce
half tsp sesame oil
3 tbs cooking oil
to garnish;
pinch sesame seed
1 spring onion

Preparation Time: 30 minutes
Cooking Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 50 minutes

1. Wash the mushroom thoroughly & squeeze out any excess water.
2. Tear them into thin strips.
3. Heat the cooking oil in a wok or frying pan.
4. Add the chopped garlic & fry for a few minutes.
5. Then add the mushrooms.
6. Cook until most of the liquid has evaporated.
7. Add the mushroom stock & white pepper.
8. Then the light soy sauce & cook for a few more minutes.
9. Then add the sweet sticky soy sauce & sesame oil.
10. Garnish with sesame seeds & spring onion ribbons.

Eat straight away.

Serving Suggestions:
Makes enough for two people. Can be served on a bed of rice, with salad &/or an accompaniment like sambal.

Background music by Ivy Music from

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Bahasa Indonesia....

300 gram jamur tiram
4 siung bawang putih
1 sdm kecap asin
1 sdt kaldu jamur
seperempat sdt lada putih bubuk
20 ml kecap manis
setengah sdt minyak wijen
3 sdm minyak goreng
untuk hiasan;
sejumput biji wijen
1 daun bawang

Waktu Persiapan: 30 menit
Waktu Memasak: 20 menit
Total Waktu: 50 menit

1. Cuci jamur sampai bersih & peras airnya.
2. Sobek menjadi potongan tipis.
3. Panaskan minyak goreng di wajan.
4. Tambahkan bawang putih cincang & goreng selama beberapa menit atau sampai harum.
5. Kemudian masukan jamur.
6. Masak hingga sebagian besar cairan menguap atau agak kering.
7. Tambahkan kaldu jamur & lada putih.
8. Kemudian kecap asin & masak beberapa menit lagi.
9. Lalu masukkan kecap manis & minyak wijen.
10. Hiasi dengan biji wijen & daun bawang.

hidangkan selagi masih panas.

Saran Penyajian:
Porsi cukup untuk dua-tiga orang. Dapat disajikan di atas nasi, dengan salad &/atau pendamping seperti sambal.

Enjoy !!!

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