The Hyena Power Animal

10 months ago

www.poweranimals.infoHello friends and welcome to the healing world of power animals. When we observe the animals, we can understand ourselves, others, and God better. Today, we’ll look at the hyena.

There are 4 species of hyenas with the spotted hyena being the largest and strongest. They have sloping backs, long forelegs, powerful jaws, and long ears. The tireless hyena has excellent sight, hearing, and smell. They’re proficient hunters of large and small animals and have a haunting laugh when they find food to share. They’re very adaptable and intelligent, capable of surviving in a wide range of habitats. Hyenas are active at night and will eat almost anything, including insects. In short, they’re opportunistic survivors.

Highly perceptive and territorial, hyenas have many methods of communication, including unique body language. They’re very social and live in clans dominated by females. The curious hyena is outgoing and energetic. Due to their highly developed instincts, they’re able to determine what to do, when to do it, and whom to trust. The resilient hyena can outrun almost any predator as their legs offer enormous endurance. The hyena balances a caring family feeling with a sense of ferocity. Cooperation and competition are the ironic halves of their lives . They have the determination to overcome challenges and the courage to face adversity. The hyena symbolizes cleverness, stamina, and tenacity. They know how to get along with others while not losing their individuality. Call on their spirit when you want to overcome something by laughing at the absurdity of life. Be sure to visit our website to read our blogs and get a free power animal reading. Thank you for subscribing and have a great day.

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