Mask-Wearers Are Poisoning Themselves

1 year ago

You might be fortunate to live in a part of the country where mask-sightings have become mercifully rare. But a surprising number of Americans, particularly those in urban areas, continue to don masks, and most public-health officials would happily make the rest of us do so again if given half a chance. The pandemic may be officially over, but the reckoning with the response must not be.

The mask zealots’ mantra has long been that masks clearly do some good, while they don’t do any harm. The first part of that contention is unsupported by the best medical research, as I’ve detailed in “Do Masks Work?,” “Masks Still Don’t Work,” and (most recently) “The Mask of Ignorance.” The second part—that masks do no harm—is contradicted by the obvious degradation of human social interaction when people are masked, and it has now been further contradicted by a new German study.

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