Electric Taxi in China

1 year ago

this is from 2019 when there were very few vehicles sold in North America that were EV, this car was already two years old as well.
Highspeed electric bullet trains are the norm for traveling across China from province to province.

China is light years ahead in the green transition, the majority of taxis in China are electric, and the older ones run on propane or natural gas, which has ZERO particulate. Propane and Natural gas are far far cleaner than gas, and a hudred times cleaner than diesel.

Here in Canada propane was very common in 70's and 80's, every taxi tow truck and delivery truck ran on propane.

I worked at Canada Engines for a number of years rebuilding engines; it was not uncommon for propane engines to get a million km before they needed rebuilding for the simple reason propane exists in a gas where gasoline and diesel are liquids that have to be converted into a vapor gas. As a result, large amounts of liquid gasoline and diesel is unburnt, instead, it turns into carbon, that shit that turns your oil black, and the smoke that comes out the tailpipe is unburnt fuel. toxic as hell, it's responsible for the "smog" you see in large cities and for a great number of sicknesses we're plagued with. look at your tailpipe.

but bc propane engines ran so clean they never needed oil changes or spark plugs, the exhaust didn't rot out, bc the shit from gasoline and diesel is so toxic it eats metal, its acidic, and cancerous. bc engines didn't need rebuilding the dealers couldn't sell new vehicles, mechanic shops weren't getting customers or making as much money, and it affected the price of oil bc there was less demand for gas and diesel.

So, the capitalists of corporations "lobbied" the government to get rid of propane, to stop grants for people to convert vehicles to propane, to manipulate the price higher so it's not cheaper to run your vehicle on propane.

you think you live in a democracy? no, it's a corrupt dictatorship with the capitalist Dictating to government the direction of our society.

people need to realize the government doesn't work for the people, they don't make decisions for the better of the environment, they are subjugated [means corps give them money so they get to tell the government how to shape society] to make decisions for profit, for war machines, for control of society.

notice the first part of Corporations is "corp"...means dead body in Latin.. aka fucking psychopaths.

I was amazed to learn there are no yearly allergies in China like here in North America; notice how tv is full of allergy pill commercials, and how the majority of people here need to take allergy pills. big pharma profits billions each year off of sickness.

there are no children in China born with asthma or downs syndrome either, even with all their smog. perhaps in parts of the country that's industrial, where they manufacture the plastic crap for North America, who then after playing with it for a month or two, throw it into the garbage, which then is shipped back to China to be burnt. but for the most part there are no allergies or asthma.

no children are allergic to nuts,.no one is allergic to nuts

so please understand how "they" have screwed the world over for nothing more than profit...and perhaps to jack-off to the death and sickness they create bc they're pure Evil, sadistic, get their jollies off.

on a side note; notice how no one signals in China, no law saying you have to.

the only two laws enforced in China are excessive speeding and excessive drinking. you can drink and drive, but not if you're shit-faced, whereas here in Canada ONE drink gets your car seized for 24 hours and your license. Driving over 40 km here in canad gets your car seized for 7 days at your cost.

to the dumbasses who claim china has a social score system terrorizing the citizens and controlling every facet of their lives, claiming the people are controlled by a "social score" system; you want to talk about social score and control...lmfao...there is far more social control with negative consequences, aka Social Score in Canada.

here in Canada if you have more than 3 points on your DL they send you a birthday present of a huge fine. that's after you've already paid the ticket fine.

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