Two Hours One Life (2HOL) Gameplay - Delilah Ash - Hunter who went on a couple of magical trips

1 year ago

0:00 Birth
My mother was Donna Ash. She was a very good Mom who took care of all my needs. She gave me a tour of the entire town. I think we had almost everything.

5:02 Finding Skewer and setting waypoint
6:15 Changing Clothes
Kept the Rose Crown to honor my Mom but I wanted trousers instead of a dress for functionality.

6:43 Ate magic mushroom
7:00 Tripping on Psilocybe
Funny expressions and what you type is modified so that was funny XD.

8:45 Exploring the town further
Farm was in good condition. Well was wet. Looking for things to do.

9:54 Conversation with my Mom
She was talking about getting older and may or may not come back. We were discussing what to do. She was also making up stories to tell XD. She didn't like her sister much.

13:50 Decided to become a Hunter
Found Bows and Arrows. Armed up and headed out on the horse-drawn wagons. Much better to use because the horse doesn't escape.

15:55 Killed a Wolf
Found various wild foods, dropped items and then a Wolf which I killed. Need a knife to skin them so I had to head back to town soon after.

16:58 Janice was born
She was born off the wagon but I didn't see her only heard her crying. She blended into the background XD. Had to walk back with her.

17:38 Bumped into Mom
She seemed to know what was happening all the time XD.

18:50 Mushroom Soup
I drank Turkey Broth and Mushroom Soup. I started tripping again but I didn't realize the mushroom soup was from Psilocybe.

19:05 Tripping Again XD
20:55 Found a Knife
21:19 Got back on the wagon
Couldn't find the Wolf I killed though. I know it's behind a tree somewhere. There was a lot of mosquitoes in the jungle so not sure if they can kill me while I am on the wagon.

22:05 Wolf #2
Killed it and Skinned it.

24:30 Hunting Expedition Continued
Found some wood so decided to return back to town as I had a full wagon.

24:56 Mother's last words
25:15 Mom's Death
26:20 Mom's Funeral
Beatrice, sister, wrote a nice letter.

27:04 Donnavan was born (Donna the Second)
Named after our mother who just passed.

29:35 Introducing Donnavan to Beatrice
30:36 Observing Beatrice taking food in her backpack
I guess she liked food XD.

30:56 Went back to the wagon
Unloaded and went back out into the wild.

32:20 Bell Tower pieces
Apparently the Bell Tower base needs time to stabilize so never got back to it. Janice also wanted to work on it as well. Janice wanted to be a Farmer.

34:35 Lots of Copper items lying around
35:17 Stumbled upon a corpse of Happy Ash
Picked up all of her dropped items.

35:29 Found a Raccoon
Never seen it before but it didn't seem to be dangerous so I left it alone.

37:20 Unloaded the wagon
39:06 Mine with Sister
We had conversation on what we were both up to. She was stocking up on Kerosene by the mine and was going to go fishing.

41:44 Found a pig corpse
I cut it up and loaded the meat onto the wagon.

42:36 Found Mine Shaft #2
It needed a drill bit so I planned on making it later.

43:23 Unloading the wagon
45:19 Began looking into making a Drill Bit
49:00 Bumped into Eve Silence
Apparently she returned a handcart she borrowed.

51:15 Making Drill Bit
Ended up making a cam shaft as I forgot the correct process.

52:55 Enter Alice my grand daughter
Looks like she was born while Janice was AFK. She was picky about not wanting to wear a hat.

55:49 Alice looking for Tobacco
I don't think she ever found it. She also disappeared somewhere as I never saw her again.

56:55 Reunited Alice with Janice
57:58 Fish storage
Found lots of fish but not what we need for Sardines

58:09 Found a lot of Charcoal
Someone had built another Smithy in their own home.

58:40 Orchard exploration
58:55 Lily's corpse, Sister
1:04:00 Making Steel Rod to make Thin Steel Rod which leads to drill bit
1:06:00 Looks like we are low or out of Steel Ingots
Started making steel ingots from scratch.

1:09:31 Took the bait
1:10:58 Making Steel Rod and Thin Steel Rod
1:12:50 Made the Drill Bit
1:13:50 Back to the Mine and upgraded the mine shaft
1:14:30 Mine Shaft needs Kerosene
1:15:00 Came back with Kerosene at the mine.
1:15:25 Didn't know the mineshaft had a set amount of time while it's active. The faster you mine the better.

1:18:57 Unloaded the ores
1:19:32 Janice reported that the Hoe Broke
1:20:22 Needed to make more Steel ingots
1:21:19 Making more Iron Wrought Bars and Unforged Crucibles
1:25:00 Making 2 Hoe Heads
1:27:00 Had to go AFK
Came back and I wanted to say goodbye in case I didn't make it back.

1:30:00 Returned as an old woman
Was able to come back at the end of old age. Said my good byes again.

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