I've Stopped Fighting And Started Analyzing (5-14-23)

1 year ago

My rules for life: https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=147702

* At all times, preach what you believe. Occasionally, use words. (Francis of Assisi, according to legend) We’re always transmitting.
* To enter into a relationship is to start a countdown on feeling betrayed (meaning, you will inevitably be shocked that the other party has different priorities from what you expect, such as that you are not their top concern at all times).
* Don’t separate yourself from the community. When you watch Chimp Empire, you see the chimps who leave the herd have a hard time.
* In some situations, you will be a concentration camp inmate, and in other situations, you will be a concentration camp guard. The situation will consistently shape you as much or more than your inherent characteristics. So if you want to stay faithful or sober, avoid situations that will endanger you.
* Live as though everyone knows everything as opposed to trying to get away with as much as possible. (James Burnham)
* As soon as you go online to comment about life, you will feel a tug to be impulsive and to develop an inflated sense of your importance. You will feel tempted to ignore social proprieties (such as discussing dark topics that you would normally avoid in face-to-face interaction). These tendencies, if not successfully resisted, will damage your life. (Virtually You: The Dangerous Powers of the E-Personality)
* When you think about how your selfishness hurts other people, you sober up and snap back into reality. When you think about people who’ve loved you, you sober up and snap back into reality. When you think about your failures, your transgressions, and your humiliations, you sober up and snap back into reality (though for some people, this will drag them down, so these would be bad things to dwell on).
* It is inevitable that we will constantly compare ourselves to others (and we will find ways to convince ourselves that we are superior to them). We need to do this comparison for information and connection. We need to believe we are more important than we are otherwise we would be crushed by our own insignificance.

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