The Navy's Growing Struggle Maintaining Ships and Protecting National Security

1 year ago

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The great naval struggle - 0:00
Decline in Ship Maintenance and Readiness - 0:29
Strained Relationships - 1:21
Conclusion and Closing Remarks - 3:38

The United States Navy has been facing numerous challenges in maintaining and keeping its ships at sea. These issues have resulted in a less-prepared force against potential threats, such as China, and have had significant consequences on the Marine Corps. This report will examine the factors contributing to the Navy's maintenance struggles, the consequences on national security, and potential solutions for addressing these challenges.

The Decline in Ship Maintenance and Readiness.
The Navy's inability to keep its ships running has led to a decrease in overall readiness. Maintenance delays have grown from an average of five days in 2011 to 19 in 2021. Steaming hours have also decreased, reflecting a decline in operational efficiency. One of the primary challenges facing the Navy is a shortage of spare parts for its ships. Supply chain shortfalls have forced Navy officials to resort to reusing or moving parts from one ship to another. From 2011 to 2021, there has been an increase in the number of ships reporting serious parts failures.

The Strained Relationship Between the Navy and Marine Corps.
The Navy's inability to maintain its fleet, especially the Wasp-class amphibious assault ships, has had a significant impact on the Marine Corps. These ships play a vital role in transporting Marines around the world, allowing them to carry out missions such as disaster relief and civilian evacuations. As these ships increasingly face serious parts failures, the Marine Corps' ability to perform its tasks effectively is jeopardized. The Marine Corps has expressed frustration with the Navy's maintenance problems, accusing it of failing its national security mission by not properly maintaining the ships. Some officials believe that the Navy leadership seems content with providing the "minimum requirement" to the Marine Corps, even though they are struggling to meet that standard. This dissatisfaction has led to tensions between the two branches. Marine Corps Commandant Gen. David Berger has publicly expressed concerns about the Navy's maintenance struggles. In a recent statement to Congress, Berger shared his regret over the Marines' inability to help in two major crises due to the lack of available Navy ships for positioning units in nearby waters. This admission highlights the negative consequences that the Navy's maintenance issues have on the Marine Corps and its mission readiness. The Navy's maintenance challenges have also created tensions in budget proposals and future planning for both branches. The Navy has suggested reducing its amphibious ship numbers by retiring older dock landing ships and pausing orders for San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock ships. However, the Marine Corps opposes these moves, as they would violate the legally mandated 31-ship threshold and further hinder their ability to fulfill missions. To address the strained relationship between the Navy and Marine Corps, both branches must work together to find viable solutions to the maintenance issues at hand. This may involve revisiting budget proposals, prioritizing the maintenance of ships critical to Marine Corps operations, and improving communication and cooperation between the two branches. A renewed focus on addressing maintenance challenges will be essential in restoring trust and ensuring that the Marine Corps can rely on the Navy to support its missions effectively. The future of the Navy is uncertain, as it faces difficult decisions about how to address its maintenance challenges.

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