Real Food Or Fake Food... What This Makes You

1 year ago

Look at what you eat. Is your diet mostly things that have been made by a plant growing in the ground?

Or does it come out of a box, having been made in a manufacturing plant owned by a corporation?

Your diet dictates the level of physiological stress you subject your body to, which changes how your body functions. This altered state of stress, the state of fight/flight/flight mode of your nervous system is literally killing you.

When that's off, your emotions and ability to think straight are compromised, and you no longer act like your true self.

That's why I say, "Pretend Foods Produce Pretend People".

A whole foods diet is a potently important Natural Law of Health, associated with your 3rd chakra, or solar plexus within your energy system.

Watch this episode to learn what to do to start turning this around.
Natural Laws of Health Series, PT. 4

Download this guide mentioned in the episode --
Discover 3 Essential Keys to improve digestive health:

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