t e l e p a t h テレパシー能力者 : アンタラ通信

1 year ago

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0:00 - 1. 愛​の​多​く​の​顔 [many faces of love]

17:57 - 2. 感​覚​変​更 [altered senses]

21:30 - 3. あ​な​た​は​私​の​空​想​で​す[you are my fantasy]

27:19 - 4. 東​京​, 2​0​8​9 [Tokyo, 2089]

35:51 - 5. 柔​ら​か​い​唇 [soft lips]

40:39 - 6. 表​面​の​下​に​愛 [love beneath the surface]

46:42 - 7. 美​し​い​沈​黙 [beautiful silence]

54:39 - 8. 停電 [power outage]

1:01:09 - 9. 上昇 [ascending]

1:03:41 - 10. 遠​い​思​い​出 [distant memories]

1:07:32 - 11. 一​緒​に​私​た​ち​は​ス​タ​ン​ド [together we stand]

1:10:44 - 12. あ​な​た​の​ビ​ジ​ョ​ン [visions of you]

1:15:42 - 13. 発見 [discovery]

1:19:47 - 14. 恋​人​の​高​い [lover's high]

1:23:30 - 15. 早朝 [early morning]

1:26:42 - 16. ハ​ー​モ​ニ​ー [harmony]

English title translations provided by t e l e p a t h テレパシー能力者 on Geometric Lullaby's cassette release from September 2022.

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