Saint Germain - Stay alert to the new times

1 year ago

Saint Germain who brings with him the Violet Flame, which transmutes negative energy into love and light. He advises people to call on him whenever they feel unbalanced and to visualize the Violet Flame covering their bodies. He warns that the current moment is very turbulent and that shadows are in despair, trying to cause as much damage as possible. The final moment is approaching, and people need to be careful about what they think, speak, and vibrate. Fear feeds evil, so it's essential to vibrate high and trust in the protection of Beings of Light. People should distance themselves from anything that brings discomfort, from people who don't do them good to addictions, drinks, and drugs. They should also avoid using sex in an uncontrolled way and stay away from all kinds of processes and events that emanate low vibration energies. The time has come to be on guard because evil is just a few steps away, waiting for a moment of carelessness to attack. People should watch good programs, good movies, and read children's stories, staying away from anything that provokes fear or revulsion. The time is not for joking around or testing, and each day it will become worse, as the truths come to light. Those who are awakened and evolved souls should continue to be Pillars of Light, so that those who awaken have a direction to follow. People need to use their hearts, listen to their Higher Self, and nothing will affect them.

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