t e l e p a t h テレパシー能力者 : 肉体からの離脱

1 year ago

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0:00 - 1. わ​た​し​は​あ​な​た​と​共​に​時​は​時​間​が​あ​り​ま​せ​ん [i don't have time with you]

13:49 - 2. 私​の​夢​の​女​性​と​の​時​空​間​連​続​体​の​外​側​の​内​部​の​心​の​肉​体​ビ​ジ​ョ​ン [physical vision of the mind inside outside the space-time continuum with the woman of my dreams]

31:06 - 3. 愛​の​力​を​通​し​て​普​遍​的​な​言​語​翻​訳 [universal language translation through the power of love]

50:44 - 4. 目​を​覚​ま​し​夢 [wake up dream]

53:08 - 5. 私​た​ち​が​存​在​す​る​場​合​私​た​ち​は​そ​こ​で​は​あ​り​ま​せ​ん [if we exist we are not there]

1:06:25 - 6. ザ​·​ウ​ェ​イ​·​ユ​ー​·​メ​イ​ク​·​ミ​ー​·​フ​ィ​ー​ル [the way you make me feel]

1:18:29 - 7. 時​間​外​に​夢​を​見​て [dreaming out of hours]

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