The Soul Revive - A course that will change your life

1 year ago


One of the most powerful courses that you will experience and it all comes down to awareness to your own life.

The beauty of this course is that every day brings a new and deeper level of understanding and as you go through your day. You will have many insights and aha moments that reveal themselves by asking (As King) your self/soul questions and from this you will receive your answers.

What makes this course different to others out there is that you do the work each day and all is required is 25 minutes for yourself at your own time. Just 25 minutes each day will change your life and quite quickly you will feel the importance of some YOU time

The content is very simple and can be applied to everyone as this all comes back to energy. It helps simplify our life down to a choice and that choice is one that we always get to make

Each day will bring healing, clarity, calmness, confirmations and tools to help you navigate on your journey.

You learn how your past does not define you, you become so much more aware of the ego and with that a deeper connection to your feelings, which is your soul

The next start date is on the 23rd May, you will always have access to the content going forward and the beauty of truth is that it is timeless

This course will change your life and all is required is to turn up each day for yourself. This course is great for all, it will improve your parenting, it will help you through any challenges, it is healing, it will show you how powerful you are and how you always have a choice that you can stand on

If you have any procrastinations or hesitations, take a look at many of the reviews from people who have completed the revive

Check out this amazing testimonial
Dear all, as Harry’s new soul revive course is fast approaching and Izzy, Jon and the others’ shares have inspired me, I have been reflecting for the past few days on my own experience of this course.

I did the soul revive course in February and March of this year, after months and months of dipping into Harry’s meditations. I was really enjoying these and have had many powerful healings and experiences throughout last year. In saying that I also got to a point where I felt a bit stuck, did not know how to take it further, so that determined me to join the soul revive.

I found the course has helped me become more focussed and committed to my spiritual growth. I have so much more awareness of others and most importantly myself; and this enables me to stop, connect to my heart and make choices and/or decisions from that place.

My biggest teaching was about EGO and how many shapes and forms it takes, and how it stops us from feeling and identifying with our pure divine essence, to ourselves. I used to see myself as a carer for family and others, it gave me a purpose and a meaning, and I was convinced it was coming from a place of love. To only realise that it was still a form of EGO, as it stopped me from looking inwards and focusing on myself. 

I felt lost for weeks once this deep knowing hit me; I was asking myself “what now, what do I do?”  and then I got my answer “is time you focus on yourself, truly”. And WOW, April and May have been a Soul A Coaster for me, and I am enjoying every minute of it, even the challenging times as I connect more and more the dots about myself. Is a deep, sweet, amazing feeling to be able to realise how everything I ever said and/or did, had a deeper meaning and taught me powerful lessons, each time.

I am now noticing my EGO more and more, that doubting voice in my head, that limiting belief, which often did hold me back or limited me in a way or another and I am so happy to say is less and less controlling of my life. 

This EGO made me stumble at times, old habits started creeping back in; I would tell myself I did not have the time or energy to do the daily task, you name it, we have all been there. 
However, this has taught me to remain kind to myself, and with love and kindness to bring myself to do it the next day. And in doing so, I did complete the course and it had this compounding effect on me.

Meditation has now become part of my daily practice and is now one of my favourite things to do; I often meditate both in the morning first thing and before going to sleep, and sometimes even during the day; funny how now I find the time, isn’t it? 😊

With the skills and teachings from the Soul revive course, I am now confident when it comes to finding answers and guidance into meditation or just connecting to my divine self. The energies and experiences have intensified beyond anything and everything I could have imagined before and continue to grow. I am so exited about this journey.

Hearing Izzy’s reflection brought a slight feeling of regret for me, would have loved to be part of all the shares and interpretations she brought to you all from scriptures. This was another bonus of the course for me; I have connected with amazing people, and we all shared a safe space where we learnt so much from each other too. So, I will be re-joining in May, to approach the teachings with my newfound self-awareness and consistency this time.

I am happy for anyone to DM if you would like to know more about the course. And if you join, see you in the May soul revive community; and remember enjoy it, with all its ups and downs, and be kind and loving towards yourself. As always sending lots of love and light ❤️💫

Check out some of the amazing reviews

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