UNESCO Has Added 21 New Sights To Their List

1 year ago

UNESCO Has Added 21 New Sights To Their List

Every year, the UNESCO World Heritage Centre scours the globe for new sights to add to its list of cultural and natural wonders.
This year’s new inscriptions include a cave complex in Gibraltar and an entire archipelago in the Pacific Ocean, added for its importance as a home for seabirds and a remarkable abundance of large pelagic species, such as manta rays, whales, dolphins and sharks.

China provided two additions to the list – the rock art of Zuojiang Huashan and the primary forests of Hubei Shennongjia. The works of Swiss-French architect Le Corbusier were also inscribed, many of which can be seen as far and wide as Germany, India, Japan, France, Argentina and Belgium.

1. Antequera Dolmens Site, Spain
2. Antigua Naval Dockyard and related archaeological sites, Antigua and Barbuda
3. Ani, Turkey
4. Nalanda University, Bihar, India
5. Philippi, Greece
6. Gorham’s Cave Complex, Gibraltar, UK
7. Nan Madol: Ceremonial Centre of Eastern Micronesia
8. Pampulha Modern Ensemblem, Brazil
9. Stećci Medieval Tombstones Graveyards in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia
10. The architectural work of Le Corbusier throughout Argentina, Belgium, France, Germany, India, Japan, Switzerland
11. The Persian Qanat, Iran
12. Zuojiang Huashan rock art, China
13. Archipiélago de Revillagigedo, Mexico
14. Hubei Shennongjia, China
15. The Lut Desert, Iran

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