Xuedou Temple

1 year ago

Xuedou Temple, also known as Xuedou Mountain Zen Temple, is a Buddhist temple located in Fenghua, a county-level city in the eastern Chinese province of Zhejiang. The temple is situated on Xuedou Mountain, which is part of the Siming Mountain range. Xuedou Temple is known for its rich history and stunning natural surroundings, making it a popular destination for tourists and Buddhist pilgrims.

The temple was first built during the Tang Dynasty (618-907) and has undergone several renovations and expansions over the centuries. It was originally called Xianju Temple but was later renamed Xuedou Temple in honor of the Zen master Xuedou Chongxian, who lived and taught there during the Song Dynasty (960-1279).

Xuedou Temple is renowned for its Zen teachings and is considered one of the five most important Zen temples in Zhejiang province. The temple complex consists of several halls and courtyards, including the Hall of Heavenly Kings, the Mahavira Hall, and the Guanyin Hall. The temple is also home to a number of precious relics and artifacts, including ancient Buddhist scriptures, statues, and paintings.

The natural beauty of Xuedou Mountain and its surroundings is another draw for visitors to the temple. The mountain is covered in lush forests and dotted with streams, waterfalls, and scenic viewpoints. It is also home to a wide variety of wildlife, including macaques, deer, and a range of bird species.

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