Ground Your Body! Also Called Earthing!

1 year ago

It is important that we all do some earthing! Just like we all need to detox minimum twice a year with Borax, Epsom salts,Pink Himalayan Salt and Baking Soda. You can buy all this ingredients at Bulk Barns for cheap except Borax the box must say (20 mule team on the borax box). Borax has a lot of health benefits like anti-inflammatory properties, can treat arthritis, hormone imbalance, and other health issues. To use these ingredients to detox. You fill a tub with warm hot water, hot enough so you can soak yourself in it for as long as possible. Add 1 cup to 2 cups of each ingredients. Soak you whole body as long as you can. It will help heal your body. Get rid of toxins. Take out heavy metals in your system. I recommend people that have got the vaccines shot to do this one week or every 2 weeks. I’ve have a good friend that has heart issues from the vaccine shots. Doctors and hospitals hasn’t prescribed any medication or any help to my friend. Trudeau our corrupt prime minister and cheated/rigged the elections banded good medication like ivermectin and HCQ (Hydroxychloroquine)to treat Covid-19 but of course Google,WHO (world health organization) Google,WHO is owned by the Cabal. says it’s none effective on Covid-19. The mainstream media said ivermectin is like your drink bleach! Ivermectin been approved for treating lupus, arthritis,malaria since 1975! Ivermectin and HVQ are generic drugs. They also can cure some cancers! Ivermectin and zinc together can cure Covid-19. HCQ cure Covid-19. These 2 generic drug are cheap like $20 a box they are anti-parasites drugs which cancer are a type of parasite in our body. We all have about 2lb of parasites in our body. Covid-19 is just a flu (influenza).Covid-19 is not a virus like there telling us! 2 days ago they lifted the Covid pandemic!(its a plan-demic) I thought the Covid virus is mutating. That’s why we had Omicron virus, Arcturus virus, Karken virus. What happened? All a sudden it’s not a pandemic. More and more people all over the earth don’t believes it anymore more. Also more people realize that it was Covid that people are dying all a sudden. Athletes are drop on live television even anchors are dropping. Now our young health kids are beginning to die or have heart, blood clots and organs issues. We truther and good doctors have warned everyone about the vaccines. Big Pharma knows what is coming a head. They are in serious shit. GENOCIDE! These people KNOWINGLY knew what’s inside the deadly vaccines! Big Pharma, Mainstream Media’s, Big Techs, Hospitals & Doctors also Nurses that didn’t speak up, Politicians, CIA, FBI, WHO(world health organization)WEF(World economic forum) UN( United Nations) Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Bill Gates, Fact Checker, Top leaders of Health Organization in every country, Celebrities, Actors, Yuval Noah Harari(Dangerous, evil man),CEO/CFO of companies. Best for last the 13 Families/The Cabal/The Central Bankers/The Khazarian Mafia!
Your wondering who are The Khazarian Mafia. They are the head of the 13 families. They go back 1000s of years. They were hunted and killed by all. After they went into hiding and slowly mythologically they destroyed their enemies. It’s either you join them or you die. They are ruthless, pure evil, we’re just sheep to them. They own everything. The Great Reset is their final move to run the world! They fear nothing! Except one thing! They fear “The Great Awakening”! They tried to divide us by race, Black skins or White skins. By religion, Muslim or Christian. By sides, Left or Right, Democrat or Republican. The Art Of War “ when you are divided you are weak”.
But when The Great Awakening happens! The Art Of War “ together you are strong “.
The one thing they are afraid of is us! We the people, citizens of earth. Born free! Created by Mighty God! Controller of time, space and matter! When we the people are awake and know what they have done to us. We are a force to be reckon! Together we out number them! No matter how much money or power they think they got! Once awake they cannot put us back to sleep! Their money and power means nothing cuz they cannot control us anymore more! We The Citizens Of The World will hold them accountable. All that “Knowingly”involved in this “GENOCIDE”! Must be tried in Military Court! Cuz the all the Courts and everything else has been infiltrated.
Act of Treason! Punishable by Death!
Act of Sedition! Punishable by Death!
Act of Seditious Conspiracy! Punishable by Death!
Act of Advocating Over Throw Of Government! Punishable by Death!
Act of Conspiracy to murder! Punishable by life of imprisonment
Act of murder! Punishable by Death!
I can go on and on. We must put a minimum penalty on all charges so this can never happen again!

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