t e l e p a t h テレパシー能力者 : ゲートウェイ

1 year ago

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0:00 - 1. 無​限​ T​E​A​R​D​R​O​P​S 涙​の​海​で [infinite T​E​A​R​D​R​O​P​S in the sea of tears]

6:53 - 2. l​o​s​t​ l​o​v​e​ 再​び​一​緒​に [l​o​s​t​ l​o​v​e together again]

11:36 - 3. 新​た​な​始​ま​り​ w​e​l​c​o​m​e​ h​o​m​e [new beginning w​e​l​c​o​m​e​ h​o​m​e]

16:24 - 4. g​e​o​m​e​t​r​i​c​ 同期 [g​e​o​m​e​t​r​i​c​ synchronization]

23:24 - 5. 楽​園​で​の​ト​ラ​ブ​ル [trouble in paradise]

26:10 - 6. シ​ー​·​オ​ブ​·​ラ​ブ​ r​e​f​l​e​c​t​i​o​n​s [sea of love r​e​f​l​e​c​t​i​o​n​s]

33:22 - 7. 意​識​下​の​ ​​s​e​d​u​c​t​i​o​n [subconscious s​e​d​u​c​t​i​o​n]

37:09 - 8. 壊​れ​た​ G​L​A​S​S​ 共鳴 [broken G​L​A​S​S resonance]

40:12 - 9. O​M​N​I​-​S​P​H​E​R​I​C​A​L​ 反​対​側​か​ら​の​恋​人 [O​M​N​I​-​S​P​H​E​R​I​C​A​L lover from the other side]

42:27 - 10. 反​対​側​に​ゲ​ー​ト​ C​R​Y​S​T​A​L​ ​S​E​C​R​E​T​S [gate C​R​Y​S​T​A​L​ ​S​E​C​R​E​T​S on the opposite side]

47:16 - 11. 愛​の​行​為 [act of love]

exclusive bonus track "Beyond 現実 [beyond reality]" can be heard here: https://youtu.be/-K1bvB79xcQ?t=4879

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