Passionately Selling to connect you with your SOurce Energy Energising Human Potential

1 year ago

SALES: For me it's all about connecting people to their source energy, so that they can be the courageous, creative humans they were born to be. That way they look after their children and the planet. I have a practice of receiving information- at night. My investigations lead me into interesting places. This one was on my own particular brand of sales- or marketing. Ive always been at odds with traditional methods because I knew I was selling something different:
watch this to give yourself an idea of how you can go about your own investigations, what you may be holding out against and how you can release and re-frame to understand and energise your offerings.
One of a series of INVESTIGATIONS into subject pertaining to ENERGISING HUMAN POTENTIAL Scroll ahead to any section you feel drawn to!
This is a direct channeling- its easy to do in a peaceful state, with a clear mental and emotional body, allowing the voice to come through and the greater consciousness ( higher self/ Inner Being) can speak fluently. It becomes more and more fluent as the video progresses….at night, when I am at my most receptive. ( do forgive the occasional yawn ;D)

4.30 Money is a communication tool between seller and buyer
5.30 the picket fence separating me from the market
13.oo my books for sale
15.20 The Joyful passion=A SALE
17.20 A block manifesting in the physical body
18.20 asking questions of the symptom to gain clarity
20. 00Identifying the ‘insert/injury’
21.09 easing off the baggage…
25.00 the adult offering her wares to the world
25.35 creating as a musician
26.30 divine connectivity of music
27.30 My Music & Books helping people connect to Source energy
30.oo beautiful things embodying human and nature
32.00 passion is a force of thought conducting a resonance to transmit
33.50 frequency signature of what we make to sell
34.20 resonant match of someones desire with your creation
36.oo my offering of sale- a power connection to love-source-field
36.45 the pathway of access to the source energy connection product
38 the elements of Source energy ‘sales’ making the bridge between creator and seeker
39.55 making the sale - resonance
41. the field of manipulated agenda and public taste
43.30 as things clear the physical body perception changes
44.22 Offering things to the market- what is their resonant frequency and how does it interact with the market
46.0 selling personal possessions with energetic imprints 49 the glory of handmade as a celebration of human abilities
54.50 the true point of sale and keeping the connection
55. the fusion point of the sale
57. 15 I sell fields of possibility for YOU to solve your problem.
57.50 I refuse to victimise anyone- I sell you “help me to help myself’
59.20 the languages of sales
1 hr I am here to enliven, encourage and empower you. I cannot participate in your contraction
1.03 my sales are energy transfers to encourage your imagination creativity and enliven you to think of new ideas and possibilities challenge and dare you to try the new……
1.06 the barrier to sales was because I stand for a new system: resonance sales!
1.11 “Know Thyself” Your marketing pitch

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