Nikola Tesla Wireless Inductive Charging To Power Moving Vehicles in Sweden by 2025 (

1 year ago

March 12th 2023 Sweden is building the world’s first permanent electric road that charges moving EVs -- Nikola Tesla's Wireless EV Charging To 55MPH Moving Vehicles Coming to U.S. up to 1.5MW @ 98% Efficiency -- Instantaneous, Non-Radiative, Wireless Induction using Standing, Electro-Static Waves provides EV Charging At Highway Speeds Coming To U.S. -- U.S DOE's ORNL’s “Oak Ridge Converter,” wireless charges at 1.5 MW sq/m. Charge a Tesla to 80% in 5 min. Runs a Nikola Tesla "Million Hour" A/C induction motor, w/out a battery, in a car moving at 55MPH. -- The Million Mile Batteries can be 1/2 the size or have 2X the capacity, easily providing 500-1000 miles per charge. -- Can be powered by solar power or 100% renewables or using free over-capacity; charging at night or net metering charging (VTG) Vehicle to Grid when prices are lowest or at Home to boot. All together, the main line runs for 359 miles between Ohio and New Jersey. With the full length of Pennsylvania in the middle, the Turnpike fields more than 210 million vehicles every year. The oil tankers would be taken off the road. 80% of all damage is from oil and gas delivery trucks. Electric cars would be much lighter and powered by the roads; and built-in intelligent roads. The DOT & DOE already know that a wireless road costs 1/4 the price to maintain, the smaller battery cars would get 200MPG and be powered by renewable energy for 50 cents to $1 per electric gallon; if not powered by excess renewables at negative prices or at night time when the price is the lowest.

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