Nine Insolvent Nations Need a Reset; States Reject CBDCs; Gold will Solve Debt Ceiling Crisis

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Cash App: $MamaKia13
For Gold or Silver, contact Miles Franklin: 952-929-1129 or email: Code Dr Kia
These Geopolitical Updates are exciting! There are some nations that cannot continue without a reset, therefore we know that resetting the financial system is pertinent and imminent! Additionally, in America, the debt ceiling crisis mounts. They only thing that will settle it is gold! Although Biden and family desires to force us into using CBDCs, states have passed legislation against using fiat digital currencies. Here are the sources for my broadcast:

The Biden Laptop Report:

Biden could use gold to resolve the debt ceiling crisis:

Florida passed law against CBDCs:,Uniform%20Commercial%20Code%20(UCC).

States passed laws against CBDCs: 1. NC, 2. TX, 3. FL, 4. OH, plus others.

Nature reigns product cleanse:

All natural skincare line: Coupon Code: Kia

To purchase gold/silver, contact Miles Franklin
Call 952-929-1129 or email: and place your order. Say that Dr. Kia Pruitt referred you to get the best prices in the industry!

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