1 year ago

Thank you.
G-D ? Why are we here? Who Chose us or Created the World we Live. Someone Did. If Not then Let us Study the Dynamics of Life. Where comes Alef Beit/Bet, Vet 9 V. E.T. I am seeing the end result in my life of the Entire Alphabets that were created for each of those TOngues. Math Brings it all together to tell a Spoken Story with Numbers, VIa Math and the Equasions that began to give Form to the Words. Geometric??Alphabet....

G the 7th Letter the 20th Letter Reverse T. They Both Reside in the english Letter Pronounciation. Gee sound and Tee sound. O the 15th Letter the L is the 12th Letter Reverse D the 4th Letter 23rd Letter reverse..
7+20=27, G 1+6=7 2+5=7,3+4=7 7 KING 3
2+0=2. 7+2.......
15+12=27, O 1+5=6,2+4=6,3+3=6 6 JACK 4 CARDS THE EYES CREATE TEN
1+5=6, 1+2=3.....
04+23=27, 2+3=5 D 7+15+4=26 1+5=6, 7+6+4=17/8 8 QUEEN 2

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