NIGHT SHADOWS 05122023 -- THEY Have Said “We will NOT walk therein.” Fanners in, Dissenters OUT!

1 year ago

America is now being invaded by the final forces to take her down from within and attack from without. While all of this is going on, nary a word from the prophetic ministries concerning the prophecies of Jeremiah and the lateness of the hour. Why is that? Do they not even know who America is in prophecy? This invasion is not going to end well for America/Babylon, and it is a SIGN that God is all done giving more grace time to us. There is no repentance in the land, and our so-called Christian leaders are worthless and refusing to preach the real hard truth of Jesus Christ. Then we have solar anomalies, earthquakes and volcanic activity on the increase, while wars and rumors of war increase the world over. So it goes in the Matrix. There is only ONE WAY out, and that is being denied as well...

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