Great Horned owls Warning

1 year ago

Many people have probably never heard this sound, but if you do, stay alert! It could be a great horned owl warning you to keep your distance. These magnificent birds can do some serious damage if their warnings are ignored.

The owls in this video are at wildlife rehab being prepared for their return to freedom. One was hit by a car; the others were fledglings brought in by well-meaning citizens, possibly unnecessarily. There are a few nerve-wracking days in most birds’ lives when they leave the nest but are not yet capable adults. It’s best to leave them alone; just be sure the parents are around and maybe keep your pets in for a few days.

If you see a baby that can’t fly at all, is injured, is orphaned, or is in serious harm’s way, call a local wildlife rehab for help. There’s an app called Animal Help Now that’s great or you can call your state Wildlife unit. (Don’t be surprised if they tell you to ‘let nature take its course’🤨) Or Google ‘wildlife rehabilitation in your area.

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