Old Fashion Masonic Podcast – Episode 35 – Derik Hockett – Grand Senior Warden (KS) – Past Master

1 year ago

In this episode, the Old Fashion Masonic Podcast team explores the role and responsibilities of the Grand Senior Warden of Masons in Kansas. Masonry has a rich history and a complex hierarchy, and the Grand Senior Warden plays a crucial role in maintaining the traditions and values of the organization.

We'll hear from the current Grand Senior Warden himself, Derik Hockett, about his personal life and his Masonic journey from start to today. Whether you're a long-time member of the Masonic fraternity or simply curious about this enigmatic organization, this episode offers a fascinating glimpse of our sitting Grand Senior Warden that resides in extreme Western Kansas.

Derik, and his wife of 16 years, Tricia, along with their two sons Jalynn (13), Deacon (14), and their rescue mutt Ruby live in the Western Kansas town of Satanta. RW Derik works for Phillips 66 as a Maintenance Planner/Scheduler and has been working in the natural gas compression industry since 2006.

Brief Masonic bio:
• Raised a Master Mason in 2008
• Member of Kansas Lodge of Research
• Ulysses Chapter 471 Order of Easter Star
• Member of the Scottish Rite Valley of Wichita
• Seven (7) Time Master of Ulysses Lodge #435 in Ulysses, Kansas
• Former District Deputy Grand Master
• Member of the Council of Administration (serving Kansas Masons)
• Current Grand Senior Warden (2023-24) of Masons in Kansas

This episode of “One Must Go” Derik had the choice between eliminating forever, Ice Cream, Pie, Cake and Brownies. What would you choose to eliminate forever?

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This podcast reflects the views of only the members participating in the podcast. They do not necessarily reflect the views of their Lodge, Shrine Center or Grand Lodge Jurisdiction.

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