Rapture Timing PAGE 7 of 7 commentary only

1 year ago

There is no audio for this short study. The viewer should realize that the first 6 pages of my 'Rapture Timing" study presented only the Words of Almighty God on this subject without commentary from me. If anyone follower of Jesus truly desires to know the truth of this subject, this study is for you.
Here is the link to this PAGE 7 at KeepandShare.com: https://www.keepandshare.com/doc4/135126/rapture-timing-page-7-commentary-png-236k?da=y
Here is the link to my share page directory at KeepandShare.com where you will have access to over 900 other last days short studies of mine. All are free: https://www.keepandshare.com/doc4/show.php?i=2617550&sh=n
NOTE: When you are browsing my directory at KeepandShare.com be sure to select the "CARD" view instead of List view. Card view will enable you to scroll down all the way to Z. Try the filter block first for your search.

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