The Troubling Trend When It Comes to Triggers

1 year ago

Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses your options should you be sucked into the dragnet that has become Operation Reticent Recall, ATF's national scavenger hunt to find all the solvent traps, forced reset triggers and now wide open triggers. While at one time authorizing the sale of these items, the ATF has now decided to reclassify these triggers, standing alone, as unlawful machine guns and are out to get them off the street. But what's most troubling is the fact that the ATF has now connected the dots that have never been connected before. IF you have purchased one of these triggers, you will fall into one of three categories. Learn what they are and what you should do depending on where you sit and arm yourself with education today.
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If you have any questions about this topic, or anything else related to what's left of our Second Amendment Rights, remember you can always contact us at: or call us directly at 425-765-0487.

Stay safe.
Applicable Statutes:

26 U.,S.C. Sec. 5845.

18 U.S.C. Sec. 1001.
Other Resources:

I Destroyed My Trigger, But Don't Have Any Proof. What Do I Do Now?

Let's Watch ATF Take a Trigger.

What's the Best Way to Destroy Your Rare Breed Trigger?

Is the ATF Arresting People Who Purchased a Rare Breed Trigger?
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