Treasure Coast Hamfest 2022, Vero Beach W4OT, Announcement And Details! @HamRadioConcepts

2 years ago

Announcing the upcoming Treasure Coast Hamfest 2022 at the Indian River County Fairgrounds in Vero Beach. This is the 2nd annual (Covid played a part during the first one) and we hope this is going to be much larger, and fun for all!! All the details are in the video, and this will be announced every week for the month of November.
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Interested in obtaining your ham radio license? The best way to get started is at
Use the code eric20 at checkout to save 20%. You will pass the exam on your first try or your money back. Come see me at this year's hamfest and boast in the video when you pass your license.

#hamradioconcepts #hamfest #treasurecoasthamfest

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