Scorpions - Wind Of Change - ft Sara Loera - Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy

1 year ago

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Scorpions - Klaus Meine - Wind Of Change - ft Sara Loera - Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy

One of the best-selling singles of all time, Scorpions’ “Wind Of Change” also holds the record for being the best-selling single by a German artist.

Can any of you guess who the other top-selling German artists are behind Scorpions? Share with me in the comments!

The lyrics to the song were written after the band’s visit to Moscow which marked the first time a hard-rock band was allowed to play in Russia.

Klaus Meine came up with the melody by first whistling it in his head so he thought it was only fitting to also open the song with whistling.

We hope you enjoy Sara’s take on this unforgettable rock ballad!

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#WindOfChange #KlausMeine #Scorpions #SaraLoera #KenTamplin #KenTamplinVocalAcademy

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