Now You See It, Now You Don't - Finland Doesn't Exist

1 year ago

There are some things you just know are true. Like that Finland exists. But it doesn't. Neither does Australia. And New Zealand's looking kind of iffy as well. In fact, there are many things that you think are real, but aren't. Like birds. They aren't real either.


01:42 - Finland Doesn't Exist - The Theory
04:38 - Finland Doesn't Exist - The Point Zero
06:42 - Poe's Law & the Ambiguity of Intent (Postmodern Irony, New Sincerity, Post-Irony, Meta-Irony, Hyper-Irony)
11:20 - Finland Doesn't Exist - Embellishments & Reactions
12:36 - Australia Doesn't Exist
14:53 - Other Geographic Fictions (OGF) - Bielefeld, Germany
18:10 - OGF - Acre, Brazil
18:40 - OGF - Molise, Italy
19:01 - OGF - North Dakota, USA
19:32 - Henri Tajfel's Minimal Group Paradigm, In-Group Favoritism & Out-Group Homogeneity
20:36 - New Zealand Is Being De-Mapped
22:23 - Sandy Island
23:39 - Phantom Islands (Los Buenos Jardines, Emerald Island, Dougherty Island, Terra Nova, et al.)
25:54 - Phantom Settlements, Copyright Traps, Paper Towns, Trap Streets, etc.
26:57 - Jakob Maria Mierscheid - German MP, Naturalist, Great Guy
28:51 - Birds Aren't Real - The Brainchild of Peter McIndoe
33:01 - Culture Jamming & You

At 20:17, I mispronounced the word "homogeneity"
NOTE: I do NOT mispronounce the name Henri Tajfel, but most people do (the "j" makes a "y" sound in Polish)

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