Does Size Matter? | Long Rifle vs. Short Rifle | Peacefully Lethal by Violent Monk Ep 25

1 year ago

Does (Rifle) Size Matter????

In this video, Patrick and Corban discuss their rifle barrel length choices, and finally settle the debate of long rifle vs. short rifle. Who will win?

Do you run a long barrel or short barrel....or both? Let us know in the comments below!


Items featured in the video:

🟢 Gear:
📚 Book:


🌐 Violent Monk Website -
🔎 Violent Monk Resources -


⏰ Timestamps:
00:00 - Intro
02:15 - Daily Discipline
06:33 - Gear
11:40 - Our Duty to be Fit for Duty
25:40 - Book of the Week
28:19 - Closing Thoughts


📖 Violent Monk Reading List -
🛠️ Some of our favorite EDC gear -
🎥 Gear we use to record our videos -


📔 90 Day Goals & Meditation Journal:


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#PeacefullyLethal #ViolentMonk

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