Circumnavigate Ego Bro Sanchez Pre-Roll

1 year ago

While whites hated Copper Colored American Indians, they Loved their “Black Magic” tho… While his competitors asked and badgered George Washington Carver, about where “he” attended to learn Horticulture, and who taught him to read..? Henry Ford, Said “yaw, shut the fuck up when grown folks, iz talkin!”. And Nobody called, him “pseudo” maybe a few choice words however, between good ol’ boys.. until Ford was all the bigots could see for miles up and down the avenue.. yes some with a limited use, tire that never wore out.. pseudo hugh.. How about Edison and his amazing “Nigger..”?! A filament that wont burn out.. and the Dogon.. who had no circlejerk clubs or accepted scientific community to protect one anothers fragile reality held together with one magic word.. “Relative” … and the antagonists can relax, and freefall backwards without fear.. like the Lipton Icetea man used to fall into the pool.. cause thanks to the fine light-rider Albert, already set presidents, dazzle them with Bullshit, if you can’t baffle them with brilliance…; they say.. “it’s relative…” and that is just the surface temperature of “cognitive dissidents”.. i can barely spell that ish, but I understand.. Nautical Maps Are Very Different From Google Maps.. here is an example: sec 107 of the 1976 act of freedom of information and Fairuse, as teaching, and or entertaining tips the balance in favor of fairness or sum bullshit.. Yaw get it.. My Uncle said, “don’t eat no pussy. Pussy is nasty!”. And just like Richard said.. “I couldn’t wait, to eat the pussy!” Now, he was my favorite uncle, and loved Melvin Mane… that was my tribe, my club, my politician.. And, I still couldn’t put what I know, before my belief in what my uncle was saying.. I didn’t mean that I didn’t Love him any less, or disrespect him over Our different opinions.. Melvin was a vet, Krazy sure, loyal and genuine, oh 1000! No way in hell would I have called him out his name, or talked all over his words, or raise my voice.. dude was solid, his opinion about tongues in vulvas, never got in the way of respect, not one single time.

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