5203 Things To Do instead Of Looking At Your Phone by Barbara Ann Kipfer

1 year ago

You don't want to spend too much time on your phone or other electronic devices. It becomes a habit. Then it becomes an addiction.
Days turn into weeks that turn into months then years. Then one sad day, something happens and you are lying on a stretcher in the back of an ambulance and saying to yourself, "Oh God, what have I done with my life."
The ideas in this book are not earthshaking or transformational. It's doubtful any of them will change your life completely. What they will do is maybe put a smile on your face and if you're lucky help you pry that electronic gadget off of your face that is sucking your life away and your time that you will never get back.
A couple of generations now have grown up never knowing anything but the digital age. I'm not saying we are all turning into Eloi but something isn't right. We need to get out more. If you get a couple of good ideas from the book or even if it just gives you a smile, it did its job.

See you out there.

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Robb Moffett
Robb's Homemade Life

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