The New Covenant Week 1 Friday

1 year ago

We are continuing our teaching this month on 'The New Covenant.' Last week we talked about a type of covenant called 'promissory type.' This week we look at the other type, the 'obligatory or law type.' Our study will be in the Old Testament, and we will focus on the 'Old Covenant' or, as the Jewish rabbis refer to it, the 'covenant of Moses.' We start with the 'Seven' things Jehovah said He would do for the children of Israel. Next, we see the intent of what the covenant of 'Jehovah' was. From there, we see a warning from Jehovah for 'not serving Him.' We conclude with a look at the 'Blessings' of serving and the 'Curses' of not serving Jehovah. I believe this week will be a blessing to many as we study the topic of God's covenant.

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