146: Pt. 1 Your Story Matters – Jeff Jerina

1 year ago

When I heard Jeff’s story and saw what he was doing to build the Kingdom of God, I knew I had to get him on the show. You’ll also be inspired by Jeff’s story and boldness to share your testimony and the good news of Jesus Christ as you’re going about their business.

Jeff Jerina is a Christian author, speaker, evangelist, entrepreneur, and founder of MenUnplugged.net, a ministry focused on discipling men and their families. As host of the Men Unplugged podcast and the author of several books, including Cut Through the Noise and Faith Without Fear, he’s helping thousands around the world IGNITE their FAITH and RECHARGE their LIFE.

He has worked in upper management in the corporate sector and served as president of a non-profit sports ministry until he launched an entrepreneurial career as a small business owner. With an undergraduate degree in business and a Master’s from Liberty Theological Seminary, Jeff has a passion for helping others come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and helping live God’s ultimate purpose for their life.


Obsessing over “I don’t look good enough” – body dysmorphic disorder
Trying to get the physical fix for a spiritual problem
It doesn’t matter if your testimony is a radical story or not. It’s still important and you still need to share it.
You have a magnetic force that will either attract or repel people based on what you act and talk.
The hazards of misdirecting shame and guilt, condemnation and unforgiveness on others and even on God…and on yourself. See Romans 8:1 instead: NO condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Sleep paralysis and breakthrough
Exposing the lies you have been believing is part of your testimony, part of your healing, and part of sharing the glory of God.
Focus on the Lord and remove distractions, but fill the gap with more of the Lord…not another distraction.
Be still and know that He is God – when Jeff stopped striving is when his business and life began to turn around.
Being in rest, or taking a time out, gives you more clarity and a better game plan to go forward.
Overcoming the initial fear of starting a business that you have no idea how to start.
The path in your mind may not be clear, but once you get past the rough bits you’ll realize the path isn’t as bad as you imagined it to be.

– Check out Jeff’s books and resources: http://Jeffjerina.com
– Listen to the Men Unplugged podcast: https://www.menunplugged.net/podcast

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