TikTok is the CCP’s spyware to infiltrate and surveil America

1 year ago

5/10/2023【Nicole on Winn Tucson Radio】TikTok is the CCP’s spyware to infiltrate and surveil America. It is a weapon used by the CCP to influence American society, to endanger the national security of the US, and serves as a convenient tool for drug and human trafficking. Sadly, it is some American special interest groups that have been enabling TikTok to run business as usual in the United States!
#takedowntheCCP #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
5/10/2023【妮可接受Winn Tucson电台采访】抖音是中共用来渗透和监控美国的间谍软件,它在影响和引导美国社会、危及美国国家安全、帮助贩卖毒品和人口。不幸的是,一些美国特殊利益集团一直在帮抖音在美国正常运作!
#消灭中共 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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