The friendship of fellow fighters cannot be bought with any money or power

1 year ago

05/10/2023【HappyBirthdayToMilesGuo】Mr. Hao Haidong: Nobody in Chinese history has ever united so many strangers with faith and led them to fight for a common cause like Mr. Guo. Only the united people of the New Federal State of China would spontaneously organize to celebrate Mr. Guo’s birthday when he is imprisoned. The friendship of fellow fighters cannot be bought with any money or power. #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
05/10/2023【遥祝七哥生日快乐】郝海东先生:中国历史上从来没有人像郭先生这样能够用信仰凝聚这么多不相识的人,带领大家为了共同的事业努力。只有团结的新中国联邦人会在郭先生身陷囹圄的时候自发为郭先生过生日。战友的情谊是拿任何金钱和权力都换不来的。 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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