Old Fashion Masonic Podcast - Episode 32 – MW Robert McClarty – Grand Master of Kansas 2023-2024

1 year ago

The FIRST EVER SITTING GRAND MASTER is on the podcast! We have had two Past Grand Masters, a Past Imperial Potentate, several Past Masters, and Potentates, but a sitting Grand Master! You will not be disappointed to learn about Most Worshipful Robert McClarty. McClarty was installed as the one hundred fifty-fourth (144th) Grand Master of Kansas, Rob was also serving as Grand Commander of the Grand Commandry of Knights Templar of Kansas, which is believed to be the first time to have occurred in Kansas history.

From the Grand Lodge of Kansas website:
Born and raised in Montana, Robert “Rob” McClarty and his wife of 36 years, Jana, moved to Kansas in 1991. Though they are now enjoying life as empty nesters, they love and look forward to every opportunity to spend time with family, friends, and lodge friends. They thrive on community, an active lifestyle, travel, fitness, fun, and challenging life experiences.

Outside of Freemasonry, during his 32 years of law enforcement experience, Rob served three different communities working his way through the ranks before retiring as Chief of Police in McPherson in 2019.
Rob is currently a Senior Instructor and Class Coordinator at the Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center, serves on various civic boards, and is a member of several professional organizations.

Rob’s educational background includes earning his Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Central Christian College of Kansas, a Mini-Masters in Public Administration from Wichita State University, and a Certified Public Manager from The University of Kansas. He is a graduate of numerous professional training courses, including the prestigious FBI National Academy.

Rob has a fundamental belief in servant leadership and that our lives are reflected on a headstone by the dash between our date of birth and death. He believes we should all make our dash count by actively impacting those around us in deeds, words, and actions.

Brief Masonic Bio:
• Past Master of Lindsborg Lodge, Past Master of McPherson Lodge and Past Master of Justice Lodge (Affinity Lodge)
• He has served as a District and Area Deputy Grand Master
• He is active in the Salina York Rite Bodies;
o Serving as High Priest, Illustrious Master and Commander in 2016.
• Within the York Rite, he is a member of:
o Knights of the York Cross of Honour, Red Cross of Constantine, Allied Masonic Degrees, Knights Masons, Holy Royal Arch Knights Templar Priests, and Rosicrucians
• In the Scottish Rite, Rob is a:
o 32° / Knight Commander of the Court of Honor (KCCH) and recognized with the Double Eagle Award.
o Has served as the head of all five bodies in the Valley of Salina:
 The Master of Kadosh in the Consistory, Venerable Master in the Lodge of Perfection, Commander in the Council of Kadosh, Venerable Master of the Knights of St. Andrew, and Wise Master of Rose Croix
• He is also a member of the Kansas Lodge of Research
• He is a member of Midian Shrine
• A charter member of the Hazar Grotto (no longer a member)
• He is a member of the Ankara Grotto

This episode of “One Must Go” is law enforcement (kind of) based. Rob has the choice between eliminating forever, Cagney and Lacey, Columbo, Crockett and Tubbs, and Starsky and Hutc. What would you choose to eliminate forever?

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This podcast reflects the views of only the members participating in the podcast. They do not necessarily reflect the views of their Lodge, Shrine Center or Grand Lodge Jurisdiction.

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