Old Fashion Masonic Podcast - Episode 33 – The Nazis vs Freemasonry – How Much Damage Was Done?

1 year ago

Did you know Hitler’s regime waged a full out war on Jews, Catholics, Jehovah Witness, the handicap, the LGBTQ community AND FREEMASONS? This episode of the Old Fashion Masonic Podcast digs into some of the things the SS and Gestapo did to Freemasons across Europe.

In addition, Russ and Brian talk about a Lodge that was formed, in a concentration camp, under the noses of the war criminal Nazis!
Discussion on the Forget-Me-Nots and if they were actually used in the manner that rumors and folklore say they were.

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This podcast reflects the views of only the members participating in the podcast. They do not necessarily reflect the views of their Lodge, Shrine Center or Grand Lodge Jurisdiction.

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