How to Program Your Mind to Get What You Want (Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind) | Law of Attraction

1 year ago

Learn how to program your mind to manifest what you want!
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If you want to learn how to use the law of attraction and your subconscious mind for manifesting, I’m going to teach you how to do that in this video.

Programming your mind (self-programming) consists of two minds: the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. And it also consists of two parts: what you want to program in so you can experience it in the physical world, and what you are able to ignore in your physical world until you see your manifestation show up as a tangible experience.

To teach your mind to attract what you want and manifest a life you love, you work directly with your subconscious programs. The subconscious mind controls all aspects of life through the programs it has created throughout a lifetime, while the conscious mind is following those old programs, many from childhood that contain rules and boundaries, and doing what it’s told to do by the subconscious mind. But the roles are intended to be reversed and CAN be reversed to create dynamic results of success, abundance and happiness with the Law of Attraction. Learn how to do that here!

#lawofattraction #howtomanifest #thesecret

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