CRAZY! Dutch Government To SEIZE HALF THE FARMLAND! - EU To Follow! - Great Reset In Plain Sight!

1 year ago

Josh Sigurdson reports on the news of the Dutch government looking to seize half of the farmland in the country after all despite a major victory by the farmer party in the Netherlands.
The government plans to pay out 1.5 billion Euros to farmers to close their farms permanently. This is all to allegedly stop "nitrogen pollution," however the excuse is absurd. The nitrogen pollution is not a problem. The destruction of the supply chain on top of already existing shortages is one of the most important problems worldwide.
Still, most people are in no way prepared for what's coming next. It's one of the goals of the World Economic Forum's Great Reset to decimate the supply chain and energy grid worldwide. That's why we see so many other countries following suit at the same time. While the Netherlands stands out as the 2nd largest agricultural exporter worldwide, the rest of the European Union has announced similar plans.
On top of Europe, Canada and the United States are pushing forward similar goals as the collapse of the western empire accelerates. New York City recently announced the plan for "food police" in order to cut down people's food consumption by force.
CBDCs are being created worldwide as carbon credits are being implemented on banking apps. Do people get the picture yet?

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