Trump; Fentanyl Cartels; US Debt crisis; Russia Cyber; Turkey Elections | YBS: News Roundup May 10

1 year ago

00:00 Intro
01:38 Housekeeping
02:48 Trump
09:34 Do you think this Trump stuff is similar to Bill Clinton, or is it even worse?
14:05 Trump is running ads against DeSantis for supporting a raise of the retirement age for social security. He will “protect your Social Security and Medicare”. How did Republicans lose their way on entitlements?
16:25 Fentanyl Cartels
21:23 US Debt crisis
26:18 Russia Cyber Espionage
30:12 Ukraine War
33:49 Turkey Elections

Live Questions:
38:58 Would it be immoral to take a finance position for a city? Am I correct to assume that in an objectivist society, a finance role in a city government would still be a legit function of government?
40:01 What is the problem of induction and how was it solved? How come none of my philosophy professors know it has been solved?
43:42 Would support for Putin (such as there is) evaporate if he used nuclear weapons?
48:03 Do statists think keeping people poor keeps them in line? I don't see how this parasitic state apparatus doesn't collapse as more people get re-activated by Objectivism.
49:34 How would you define inner strength? How important is it?
51:44 I want to convince Objectivists that emotional repression belongs on the front lines with mysticism & altruism as a major enemy of Objectivism. E.g. wanting Ukraine to win does not result in being non-objective qua the want
55:49 I am reading “Nietzsche and the Nazis” do you think trumpsters think Trump is the next overman?
58:18 Have you seen John Stossel's interview with Ron DeSantis? He is surprisingly impressive if he would lay off the appeal to populism. He's smart enough and knowledgeable enough to be a decent president.
1:00:09 Ayn Rand lived through WW2. Was she worried? Did she think this was the start of the next dark ages?
1:01:29 Always love making a live show. There's an energy to it & it gives energy to my day. Thanks Yaron! By the way LA is way nicer since post-lockdown. Less dystopian...happily surprised!
1:02:01 Is the lefts willingness to engage in political prosecutions going to lead to a faster breakdown of the civil society? A civil war? Seems the left are babies playing with fire.
1:02:48 Without proper set incentives, can the profite motive distort markets? Does the profit motive always lead to societal prosperity? Self-interest without principles is corrupting & destructive for all
1:03:57 Is it possible (metaphysically) for governments to operate sans debt long-term? Thanks
1:04:42 Was Lend-Lease aid to the UK during WW2 more moral than to the Soviets? The British Empire killed far more people through famine than the USSR. Also the UK was never under serious risk of invasion.
1:06:59 So would working for a city like SF be immoral? As compared to other cities?

1:07:31 Outro

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