The Pope And Demons WT#%

1 year ago

The Pope worships Satan! Now the Pope is hanging out with demons. A couple of years ago they turn on CERN and open the flood gates to hell! They tell us that their trying to recreate the Big Bang by shooting 2 atoms in the opposite direction travelling the speed of light and smashing the 2 atoms together to see what happens. Come on guys do you really think that the universe was created from a Big Bang? That is nonsense. They tell us that earth is rotating around 1000 miles per hour. Also they tell us that Earth and the other 7 planets are rotating around the sun at a speed of 67,000 miles per hour in our solar system. That’s not it, check this one out. Our solar system which is 8 planets rotating around the sun at 67,000 miles per hour. 8 planets and the sun are whirling around at the speed of 490,000 miles per hour in the centre of our galaxy. Do you believe all this crap? Before you say yes. Does this make any sense. The Mar Exploration. We sent 2 rovers on a spacecraft to explore Mars. The spacecraft that was carrying the 2 rovers and equipment for the Mars Mission. It took 7 months 300 million miles. The spacecraft was travelling at a speed of 24,600 miles per hour to get to Mars. The numbers don’t add up. Our system is whirling around in the middle our galaxy at 490,000 miles per hour. Once the spacecraft leaves Earth gravitational pull. Wouldn’t the spacecraft be left behind in space since the sun and planets are going 20 times faster then the spacecraft. Also the rovers were launched off the spacecraft to land on Mars by themselves, travelling at 12,000 miles per hour while Mars is spinning around the sun at 67,000 miles per hour. It’s like trying to land on a bullet. Everything we know is a lie!

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